10/2 英文面試工作坊 - 面試

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2017-09-27T23:12

Table of Contents

[GAME NIGHT] 面試策略工作坊+免費食物!
- 這是什麼?:
- 包含:
- 獎項:
獲勝的組別可以得到 Joe 免費幫你修改完整的英文履歷或者英文模擬面試!
-> 了解更多活動內容 & 馬上報名:

Location: Treerful臺北市大安區忠孝東路三段204號2樓
Wednesday September 6th from 7:30pm-9:30pm
Cost: $300/person
What: Team trivia game with networking, Presentation on interview strategy
Included: free drinks (soda, beer, wine) and snacks (chips, fruit, cookies)
Prizes: winning group gets free full resume revision or mock interview with Joe
Hive Game night- (Free food J)
Hive Consulting Services workshop is happening again, this time at a new location. Come learn how to apply Western interview strategies from an industry insider, Joe Nance. You’ll learn: a proven method for answering behavioral questions, the big 5 categories of interview questions and how to craft your answer, as well as 4 must-know question/answers that every candidate is doomed without!
Coming straight from work? No worries. Relax and have a free snack- Soda, beer, wine, chips, fruit, cookies will be provided for free!
In the second half of the workshop, everyone will split into groups based on their field (UI/UX, software engineering, accounting, etc.) and we will play a trivia game (similar to Jeopardy in the US) based on the content of the presentation. The team with the most points will win free resume revisions or mock interviews with Joe (a 2500ntd value!) This is a great chance to make connections to other people in your own field from different social circles.
Cost is 300NTD per person (paid at the door)

-> 快來看看活動內容:https://www.facebook.com/events/673017736234282/?ti=icl
-> 直接來Meetup按參加:https://www.meetup.com/TYP-problem-solving-workshop/events/243008352/

邀請到的講師是一位美國人- Joe Nance

他曾在美國伊利諾大學 (UIUC)數學系以及航太工程系的系主任下擔任專案負責人,
負責與該大學的人資部共同協助學校的搜索委員會聘用職員(ex.教授, 工程 師, 經理, 行銷小組等…)。
更多資訊可以私訊粉專 >> https://www.facebook.com/HiveGrading/


All Comments

Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2017-09-29T00:15
Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2017-10-01T01:46


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By Callum
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