1040NR 利息報稅? - 海外工作

Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2010-04-07T13:23

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板上大家好像都說1040NR的 銀行利息不用繳稅
Line 9a

Interest from a US bank, savings and loan association, credit union, or
similar institution, and from certain deposits with US insurance companies,
is tax exempt to a non resident alien if
it is not effectively connected with a US trade or business.

怎樣算是not effectively connected with a US trade or business?

那如果不用繳稅 就把利息收入填在9b就可以了嗎?



All Comments

Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2010-04-10T16:52
pub 519有詳細解釋何謂NEC,有興趣的話就慢慢讀
Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2010-04-12T17:29
銀行利息應該填入schedule NEC, line 2c (d) 利率寫0%


Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2010-04-07T04:12
請問一下在板上的前輩們 今年我剛從OPT轉H1 比較認真的看了一下報稅的一些規定之後發現 我前兩年還是F1身分的時候都用了TurboTax報1040 顯然是錯的 Or ...


Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2010-04-06T22:16
請問有人目前在德國工作嗎? 我今年要去Darmstadt 有在附近 或是德商公司工作的前輩們 可以跟你們認識一下嗎 第一次到德國實習 好擔心喔~~ --


Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2010-04-06T13:14
想請問一下 今年是我跟我男人第一次自己報稅...(之前都是給別人報的) 去年補稅補很多 (我都不知道為什麼要補) 所以接受小姑的建 ...

2009年 OPT 轉H1B 雙重身份報稅

Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2010-04-06T10:46
之前已經在版上爬過文 多位辛苦的版友大多已經告知應該用1040nr報繳 但小弟於今年四月四日的世界週刊中讀到 用1040nr當然是正確的選擇(因為十月�� ...

Mechanical Engineer Position

Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2010-04-06T10:24
Formosa Plastics Corp., USA is looking for a predictive mechanical enginner. FPC is located at Point Comfort, TX 77978. You can googlemap to see this area. Basically, this is a boring place. The only ...