11/19-11/22印尼橡塑膠展工讀生 - 海外工作

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2014-10-28T09:29

Table of Contents

Plastics & Rubber Indonesia 2014 Part-time Worker Recruitment

Date: 2014/11/19~2014/11/22
Time: 09:30~18:00
Location: Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran
Address: JL.Pekan Raya, Central Jakarta Arena PRJ Kemayoran

Working content:
Sent out flyers, ask visitors to fill up inquiry forms, collect DM…
Required workers: 8~10
Language required: Bahasa Indonesia, English (Chinese is a plus)
Wage: USD 26/ day
Working hour: 09:30 ~18:00
(Arrangement will be made for all part-timers to take turn for lunch breaks)

** There will be a pre-education program and interview on:
Date: 2014/11/18
Time: 13:30
Location: Stand number 954, Hall D2
Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran

Please kindly send your resume to the following details:
Contact person: June Chen
Email: [email protected]
Contact number: +886-424517070 ext 260


All Comments

Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2014-11-02T08:43
這很難吧 要會講印尼話 XD
Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2014-11-05T12:25
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2014-11-09T10:03
Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2014-11-11T13:59
Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2014-11-12T02:28

Amazon SDM,TPM,SDE,UX Designer in PHX

Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2014-10-28T04:48
最近收到Amazon GIP(Global Inventory Platform) dev center要在Phoenix,AZ 擴張的消息。Open的職缺有SDMs, TPMs, SDEs at all levels and UX designers. 以下是我copy內部信件描述� ...

菲律賓 獵杰國際 Leajoy Technology Inc.

Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2014-10-28T01:18
大家好 不好意思我爬過所有有關菲律賓的文章 但是沒有看到有人詢問這間 Leajoy Technology Inc. 中文是獵杰國際 是獵人頭公司找上我的 公司位於馬尼� ...


Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2014-10-27T23:10
請問~ 我的情況是今年10月拿到H1B,但是想在年底換公司。因為當時努力拿到身份,現在想趁著有三年合法工作去加州大城市做自己想從事的產業。 我人 ...

免費座談會 加,美工作經驗

William avatar
By William
at 2014-10-23T10:39
由於反應熱鬧 自助家決定再加11.12月場次!! 免費座談會 加,美,澳,愛爾蘭遊學 andlt;andlt;2015年, 專屬您的遊學年andgt;andgt; andlt;andlt;2015年, 專屬您的遊學年a ...

暴雪 Blizzard at UCLA career fair FAQ

Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2014-10-23T00:49
※ 引述《menesn (迷思)》之銘言: : 關於遊戲公司 : 小魯有聽過一些訊息 : 供在找工作的學弟妹參考 : 遊戲公司一般比較適合有身份的人去 : 因為high seaso ...