工程師 - 工程師

Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2016-03-16T17:42

Table of Contents

[公司名稱] Robert Walters 代外商徵Project Manager (Frequent travel to Manila &
Relocate to Manila)

官方網站: http://www.robertwalters.com.tw

[工作職缺]: Project Manager (Frequent ravel to Manila & Relocate to Manila)



‧ To manage and track the projects from initiation to closure

‧ Work closely with IT Team to complete project charter outlining scope, goal
s, deliverables, required resources, budget and timeline

‧ Clearly communicate the expectations to team members and stakeholders.

‧ Resolve issues and problems throughout project life cycles.

‧ Ensure the changes to project scopes are approved and documented

‧ Lead and motivate the project teams on a proactive basis

‧ Develop tools, repository and processes to ensure smooth and efficient pro
ject management

Key Account Management:

‧ English communication with users and IT team.

‧ Develop and manage the processes and interfaces between key account users a
nd the company IT team

‧ Respond to user requests with the internal IT teams.

‧ Control overall cost of projects.


‧ Frequent travel to Manila or relocate to Manila

‧ Strong English communication skills (working directly with manager in Manil

‧ Technical background in network and infrastructure

‧ Working experience in the IT field or service provider companies

‧ Working experience in selling or providing IT services to enterprise users/

‧ 3 years of work experience in project management jobs is required.

[工作地點] 菲律賓馬尼拉

[工作時間] 9AM – 6PM

[薪資範圍] Monthly: 80K – 120K

[需求人數] 2; 1 each


If interested, please send your resume to Jennifer Fu. Please don’t hesitate
to contact me with any questions.

[email protected]


All Comments

Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2016-03-19T21:53
Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2016-03-21T02:22
Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2016-03-24T06:35


Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2016-03-16T16:41
一個月出差 3~4萬鎂真的很猛 atat 但肯定是特例中的特例, 一般的科技廠即使是美商也好, (硬體我比較熟,軟體我不敢說) 都不太可能這樣搞了. 就算� ...

泰山壽山路3/15 8:20附近行車紀錄器

Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2016-03-16T16:00
經過我們過濾後,請協助尋求下列紅圈圈中的車主(當天從南林路往林口文化一路方向) 之行車記錄器,因為他們非常有可能拍到或目擊事發經過,因� ...

台灣應材/美光 offer 請益

Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2016-03-16T15:19
(代PO) 各位前輩版大好, 小弟是113物理碩, 想請問就公司和未來發展性等來比較, 各位對於這兩個公司以及職缺的看法, 還有一些綜合評論: 公司 ...

奇景光電 製程設備工程師

Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2016-03-16T15:06
各位好 小弟算新鮮人 非四大四中 國立大學物理系畢業 今年剛退役找的第一份工作 想請問一下製程設備主要是做哪方面的事務 新人進去可能都要操�� ...

晶電關廠房 減產史上最大

Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2016-03-16T14:59
LED晶片龍頭晶電(2448)已啟動史上最大規模減產,總計關閉2座廠房,凍結旗下高達4 分之1的MOCVD產能,進行產能優化,晶電於去年第4季提列一次性資產 ...