2010 Asia Value Capital 暑期實習專案 - 大陸工作

John avatar
By John
at 2010-02-25T09:39

Table of Contents

更多公司招募訊息請見104網頁:http://0rz.com/MarP 我們將在3月下旬在台北舉辦
「2010亞洲價值資本Asia Value Capital儲備幹部及暑期實習專案」的說明會,敬請期待

2010 Asia Value Capital Management Associate (MA) & Summer Intern Program
2010亞洲價值資本Asia Value Capital儲備幹部及暑期實習專案


Asia Value Capital is a professional Private Placement Equity Fund’s
management company, providing financial advice and investment services for
High-Net-Worth Individuals in Greater China.

We recruit outstanding young graduates from the top schools in the world to
join our Management Associate & Summer Intern program. The objective of both
programs is to build a pipeline of leadership talent for Asia Value Capital.
The program is designed to prepare high potential individuals for driving us
to achieving our goals of leading the way in Greater China.

Working Location: Huizhou, Guangdong (China)

Qualification / Selection Criteria for Summer Intern:
If you will be graduating in 2011 with a bachelor degree or above, you are
eligible to apply. Following attributes and competencies are highly preferred:
☆ High interests in Private Wealth Management, co-work with success
☆ High interests in Asset Management, such as value Investment, arbitrage,
private equity investment
☆ Excellent academic credentials
☆ Outstanding extracurricular performance
☆ Passion for excellence
☆ Fluency in English & Mandarin

How to apply:
☆ To submit your application or for more information, please email with
subject “Summer Intern program” to [email protected]
☆ Resume collection deadline: April 30, 2010
☆ Announcement Date: June 1, 2010
☆ Intern Period: July 1 ~ August 31, 2010
☆ Compensation: NTD$40,000/per month

Asia Value Capital will hold seminars in mid-March in Taipei to introduce
more information about our MA program. Seminar schedule will be coming soon.


All Comments

2010 Asia Value Capital 儲備幹部專案

Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2010-02-25T09:39
若你跟我們一樣,自認為有滿身的功夫,對投資的專業充滿熱情,喜歡挑戰,追求完美與卓越 ,你可能已經是資深的專家,也可能是才剛出校園但學業優異的年� ...


Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2010-02-25T05:56
推薦一個可以用簡體系統,用繁體程式 不知道版上大大有沒有聽過applocal 我國的編碼和26的編碼不同 ,在字碼轉換的問題中 這個軟體可以解決繁簡轉換�� ...


Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2010-02-24T22:17
有鑑於身材日益走樣, 為了避免在可預見之未來女友奔逃 脂肪堆積 虛度光陰, 特於此廣發英雄帖,盼以球會友, 敝人暫居上海松江, 如有幸能巧�� ...


Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2010-02-24T21:58
◎帳  號:jvsc ◎暱  稱:阿成 ◎性  別:男 ◎生  日:1981.10.27 ◎台灣居所:台北市 ◎登陸日期:2010.2.19 ◇大陸住所:廣東省惠州市�� ...


Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2010-02-24T21:29
我(男生)目前派駐在大陸蘇州工作. 想利用今年的清明節假期前往湖南張家界自助遊. 行程草案如下: 4/2(五)上海浦東--張家界 4/3(六)張家界 4/4(日)張家界 ...