2012年的H1B名額已用完 - 海外工作

Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2011-11-28T07:27

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上禮拜三律師幫我file the case, 看到這消息後, 看來是會被rejected了.

我OPT下個月20號到期, 非STEM科系畢業, 工作性質屬於國際貿易.


※ 引述《cchris (cruising Panama Canal)》之銘言:
: The USCIS has announced that the H1B cap for fiscal year 2012 (FY12) was
: reached as of November 22, 2011. The final day for cap filings was November
: 22, 2011. Any cap-subject cases received after November 22, 2011 and before
: April 1, 2012 will be rejected.
: If the USCIS follows the same procedures as in prior years, a lottery will be
: held to select cases from among those filed on November 22, 2011, the last day
: of filing. There will likely not be sufficient cap numbers for all of the cases
: filed on November 22, 2011, thus the USCIS will randomly select from the cases
: received on the last day to determine which will be given the last of the H1B
: cap numbers. This ends the FY12 cap filing season, which began April 1, 2011.
: Filing for cap-subject H1B cases for FY13 will open April 2012.


All Comments


Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2011-11-25T13:43
The USCIS has announced that the H1B cap for fiscal year 2012 (FY12) was reached as of November 22, 2011. The final day for cap filings was November 22, 2011. Any cap-subject cases received after Nove ...


Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2011-11-22T11:14
美國教育基金會-美國工讀實習機會,開放申請中! 結合實務工作、教育訓練、文化交流的長短期海外工作機會 將帶給你人生無限的收穫! 詳情請洽美國 ...


Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2011-11-21T18:04
請問一下戀人未滿的外派津貼大略有那些呢? 職等A6, 因為聽說一次要簽2~3年... 是不是有住宿,交通,外派,簽貼津貼呢! 因為不太曉得行情價,還請有經驗的� ...

OPT過期之後 可用旅遊簽入境找工作嗎?

Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2011-11-19T08:29
如題 想請教一下 小弟明年米國研究所畢業後要去東京實習兩個多月 如果再回來的話OPT就剩沒幾天能找工了 不知道我能夠用旅遊簽入境找工作嗎? � ...


Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2011-11-15T23:00
下星期就要啟程到波蘭工作至少一年 心裡忐忑不安 想請問板上有沒有版友也在東歐or波蘭工作的呢? --