2018 DBS Summer Intern Programme - 金融業討論

Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2018-04-12T15:02

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2018 DBS Summer Intern Programme


Gear up for the real world with a DBS summer Internship,
where you will be immersed in the fast-paced environment of Asian banking
and exposed to unparalleled learning opportunities.

This is the best way to find out if a career in banking is for you.

Our internship programme (Jul. 2nd, 2018~ Aug. 31st, 2018)
is designed with your professional development in mind.

You will receive a comprehensive introduction to our organisation,
work on challenging projects,
hone different skills and gain a deeper appreciation
of what it is like to work for one of the region’s top banks.

1.Daily operation and project assignment from belonging in dept. respectively.
Our openings of each dept.
Your preference will be asked during the HR interview;
however, the final dept. allocation will depends on our arrangement,
which might not fit your preference.

2. Group project which should co-work with other interns


- Be 3rd year undergraduates or postgraduates from all disciplines

- Have demonstrated interest in banking

- Have demonstrated leadership, teamwork in academic

- Have good written and verbal communications skills
in both Mandarin and English

- Meet passing threshold in online assessment

- Logical thinking, details and service oriented, self-motivated,
patient and passionate

Please apply your CV via 104



All Comments

Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2018-04-12T23:05
Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2018-04-13T07:07


Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2018-04-12T11:05
小妹請教一下,有關兆9於106年第2次考古題與107年今年的考古題,網路上實在是找不到, 請問有人知道如何獲得嗎? - ...


Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2018-04-11T21:08
目前手上有這兩份發展方向不同的職缺,但各有千秋,所以還在思考,當初投遞時的 初衷,一份是希望在寫報告的同時,強化自身邏輯與打好理財方面基礎,二來是有規 劃未來想從金融業轉到一般企業,ARM的平台可以認識到不同客戶群,覺得在拓展人脈上 很加分,就待遇來看兆豐現在完勝,但發展方向不同,對於內部實際經手的事情也還不 ...


Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2018-04-11T18:44
小妹我在017即將做滿一年 但傳票上蓋圓戳+小章的方式總讓我覺得奇怪 圓戳上明明就有銀行名稱、日期、經辦姓名 為什麼要多此一舉蓋經辦姓名小章?why~ 每次光蓋章就浪費不少時間了 桌上也擺滿一堆印章 唉 不知道其他銀行是不是剛我們一樣搞剛呢? 這禮拜稽核來欸 你們覺得稽核會知道嗎? - ...

合作金庫 授信組

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2018-04-10T15:47
請問有今年一月份放榜的台北授信組 備取通知的嗎 - ...


Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2018-04-10T14:58
如題,幫朋友代徵一件,最新版的夏季制服,女生西裝褲 朋友體型約163公分,50公斤,一般女生M號尺寸應該都OK, 因為之前公司量制服的時候沒訂到, 身邊同事也都沒有體型相近的可以徵求, 只好上來版上徵求了,謝謝大家。 酬謝金:站內信討論 台中桃園可面交,其他地區店到店寄送 若有意出售,請站內 ...