4/29 Boston 生物科技演講會 - 生技

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2006-04-24T10:51

Table of Contents

Agricultural Biotechnology --Next Wave Biotechnology

Date: Saturday, April 29th
Time: 12:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Place:Room E51-345, Tang Center
MIT, Sloan School

Limited Seats. Pre-register to secure one: http://www.mjne.com
Dr. Tuan-huo David Ho, Director of Institute of Plant & Microbial Biology and
Academician, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. The Past, Present, and Future of
Agricultural Biotechnology in Taiwan.

Dr. Michael Raab, Founder & President of Agrivida, Cambridge,
Massachusetts. New Plant Processing Traits for Bioethanol Productions.

Dr. Cheng Peng, President & CEO, Transcending Biotechnologies, Inc., Houston,
Texas. Taiwan Leading Biotechnologies, Inc. Taipei, Taiwan. Risk Reduction of
White Spot Symptom in Shrimp Aquaculture.

Dr. Michael Erisman, VP of Product Development, Aqua-Bounty
Technologies, Inc., Waltham, Massachusetts. Regulatory Development of
Transgenic Animal Products: AquAdvantage™ Salmon: An Evolving Case

Tags: 生技

All Comments

Re: 薪資的問題...

Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2006-04-23T00:22
貼個之前投票的結果: 1. 38人投票,總票數有51票。   (我當初設計選單只有幾個可能複選,這樣的結果真讓我困惑。) 2. 本次投票族群學生將近二分之�� ...


Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2006-04-22T18:38
想請教各位先進... 目前研發人員的薪資待遇大約是多少... 聽說碩士級研究助理約35000/月... 那麼研發人員呢? 有經驗與沒經驗匯差很多嗎? 知道的� ...


Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2006-04-21T23:28
〔求才單位〕台大植微系(台北市羅斯福路四段一號) 〔職稱〕研究助理 〔工作內容〕從事SEM、TEM相關工作 〔應徵資格〕具微生物學、電顯相關背景者 ...


Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2006-04-20T22:40
因為要幫公司寫一份and#34;廢棄物管理SOPand#34;,但實在想不出頭緒來(頭都快爆了) 不知是否有人可以提供範本,可供參考? 小人將非常感謝. --


David avatar
By David
at 2006-04-20T12:56
本身是護理系應屆畢業生,想至國際精鼎從事研究護士, 想知道實際的工作內容及需要具備怎樣的條件, 像是需要英文能力證照之類的,已在ptt相關版爬過�� ...