Appier Inc. 誠徵機器學習資料探勘工程師 - 工程師

Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2013-02-25T11:57

Table of Contents

Appier Inc. Taipei and Silicon Valley-based start up looking for machine
learning and data mining engineer

【Company name】
美商沛星互動科技股份有限公司 Appier Inc.

【Company Intro】
Appier is formed by a group of experienced computer scientists, data
analysts, and online marketers with substantial experience in data mining
and Apps distribution. Our team members come from Intel, Yahoo, Group M,
Harvard, Berkeley, Stanford and many other world renown institutes.
Appier is recently selected to RocketSpace -- the best startup accelerator
in US.

【Job Description】
1. Work with a team of world class developers to build a top-notch mobile app
promotion platform.
2. Utilize machine learning techniques to tackle challenging Mobile App
marketing and ad targeting problems
3. Implement your cool algorithm on a real world large-scale user behavior
4. Work with a team of smart, creative, and driven people.
5. Work at the prime location of Taipei, surrounded by many fun places.

1. Strong background in AI, Data Mining, and machine learning.
2. Experienced with MapReduce and other big data processing techniques is a
3. Previous participation in KDD cup is a plus too.
3. Have previous experience in implementing machine learning algorithms on
real world user data set (you know, real world data always requires some
dirty hack:).
5. Enjoy tackling challenging tasks and exploring unknowns.
6. Able to carry out independent research and have strong problem-solving
7. self-driven and innovation is part of your gene :)


40k ~ 100k

Updated at 2015/5/18: 60K ~150K
For latest information, please visit

蔡靜雅 [email protected]
[email protected]


All Comments

Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2013-03-02T03:56
Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2013-03-04T20:26
感覺AI Data mining STRONG background在這邊po有用嗎?
是否到學校去找fresh phD比較好呢.......

晶圓雙雄 搶人大作戰

Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2013-02-25T08:24
晶圓雙雄 搶人大作戰 受惠於半導體大廠衝刺先進製程產能,晶圓雙雄台積電(2330)、聯電昨(23)日成為勞 委會今� ...


James avatar
By James
at 2013-02-25T03:35
※ 引述《tosay (12333)》之銘言: : 雖然水桶哥用搞笑的語氣 : 但是我能感受到蛋蛋的哀傷 : 十年河東..十年河西.... 恩 GG這家大公司其實很精的 他們人資� ...


Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2013-02-25T00:58
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Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2013-02-25T00:57
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