Apple蘋果求才 - 海外工作

Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2022-04-28T15:41

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我們團隊主要負責Digital Silicon Validation on Wireless chipsets,以下是工作內

上班地點: Cupertino CA, 上海, 三人團報可討論台北 :)

有興趣請直接email聯繫hiring manager
[email protected]


Are you passionate about changing the world? As a member of our dynamic group,
you will have the unique and rewarding opportunity to craft upcoming products
that will delight and inspire millions of Apple’s customers every single day
. We have a critical impact on getting high quality functional products to mil
lions of customers quickly and we are hiring all levels from junior to senior
roles. Come join a team of expert software and hardware engineers with diverse
backgrounds (Cellular Modems, Connectivity solutions, Device Drivers, CPUs an
d caching, kernel programming, embedded systems) to test Apple's next generati
on Wireless SoCs. As part of the Wireless team you will develop and port test
software to evaluate functional blocks and debug silicon issues.

Key Qualifications
‧ Strong programming skills in C/C++
‧ Experienced with embedded software
‧ Assembly language programming skills a plus
‧ Experience with hardware/software interaction
‧ You have familiarity with computer/system/SoC architecture
‧ You have experience and/or are interested in writing code to test IO devic
‧ and/or functional units
‧ Familiar with bench debug equipment such as Oscilloscopes, Logic Analyzers
and DMMs

You will work closely with designers and architects to understand various func
tional blocks and their use-cases. Write, debug, and integrate new tests for i
ntegrated Wireless chipsets, complex Digital Interfaces and Power Management S
ubsystems. You will push functional blocks to their limits and debug issues su
rfaced during testing. Work with other groups and organizations to push these
tests down into pre-silicon environments. Work closely with hardware design en
gineers to debug silicon issues exposed during testing. You will Architect and
test frameworks to scale into test racks and large-scale testing. Support pro
duct development builds locally and remotely.
Education & Experience
BS / MS / Ph.D in EE or CS is required



All Comments

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2022-05-02T04:54


Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2022-04-27T23:19
*本問卷已徵得版主同意發文* 大家好 我是成大的研究生,論文主要討論異國環境對海外工作者的行為影響。 考量版上的版友們可能是正在海外工作,因此欲藉版上人氣及版友們的協助來填答此份問 卷。 *目前急需正在歐美地區工作的前輩版友們填問卷,在您許可情況下歡迎分享本問卷給您 一樣在海外打拼的家人朋友,非常感謝各 ...

Intel TCAD組徵才(代貼)

Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2022-04-14T07:13 徵求熟悉 C++ coding, 三維建模, 計算幾何, 計算機圖學等領域的人才! 無工作經驗的新畢業生也歡迎喔! 剛入職公司會馬上幫你辦綠卡, 缺開在Hillsboro,但遠端工作也完全沒問題. 請大家告訴大家! Hi all, My Team is lo ...


Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2022-04-12T11:33
我大約在3/15時寄了紙本到IRS過去 後來才發現這方法要等4周以上才能查到資訊.. 前一兩周才線上報的州稅都入賬了= = 然後4/18就是截止日了 我現在應該找家可以寄電子的報稅嗎? 當初寄信也忘了選有追蹤碼之類的 不知道是不是應該就當作寄丟了比較好 問了軟體商是說不建議再線上報 但要是I ...

Facebook RF HW 約聘職缺

Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2022-04-11T11:42
哈囉 大家好 敝公司誠徵RF HW設計工程師在Sunnyvale, CA (約聘) 歡迎有興趣寄站內信跟我聯絡 工作內容如下: - Connectivity RFHW design with expertise in one or more of the following area s: GPS, NF ...


Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2022-04-10T20:58
看海外工作版已經快十年, 受益相當多. 最近即將與老婆結束一段五年的外派生活, 想到自己的眷屬經驗, 或許對一些朋友, 能有 一些啟發, 貼在這篇, 跟大家野人獻曝. 祝福大家海外工作順利! — 出發前, 我是一位外商分析師, 過著日夜研究的日子. 由於老婆反應外派工作適應辛苦, 久經思考, 我決定辭去工作, ...