Assistant Professors at UCSD - 海外工作

Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2007-10-12T17:03

Table of Contents

Source: internal email

Assistant Professor positions at Scripps Institutionof Oceanography (UCSD)

The Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California in
San Diego invites applications to fill one or more positions at the Assistant
Professor (tenure-track) level in one or more of the fields listed below. We
seek motivated, broad-thinking scientist-educators to establish vigorous
research programs and provide intellectual leadership in their fields while
complementing existing expertise at Scripps, other UCSD departments, and
nearby research institutions.

Successful candidates will be expected to teach classes and supervise
research at both the graduate and undergraduate level. The positions require
a PhD degree and a competitive record of publication, as well as evidence of
the ability to conduct and fund an active research program consistent with
the opportunity to have done so at this career level.

Review of applications will begin on November 15, 2007, and will continue
until positions are filled. Applicants should send a letter including
descriptions of their teaching experience, research interests, a list of
publications, immigration status, the position(s) for which they are applying
and the names of at least three potential referees, along with their complete
institution address, phone and fax numbers to: Chair Search Committees,
Department of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of
California, San Diego, 9500 Gilman Dr., La Jolla, CA 92093-0208 USA.
Applicants should clearly indicate for which positions(s) they are applying
using the areas of interest as stated below. Questions about submission of
applications may be addressed to Cristy Whitehead at 858 534-3205, (
[email protected]). Salary per UCSD pay scales.

Applicants are welcome to include in their cover letter a personal statement
summarizing their contributions to diversity. UCSD is an Equal Opportunity
Employer with a strong institutional commitment to excellence through

UCSD is an Equal Opportunity Employer with a strong institutional commitment
to excellence through diversity.

Marine Ecology

We seek a candidate for a position in marine ecology/population biology, with
particular interest in the application of rigorous quantitative approaches to
understanding the structure and dynamics of ocean ecosystems and their role
in biogeochemical cycles. Potential research areas include (but are not
limited to): benthic ecology (especially of continental shelf and slope
environments), benthic microbial ecology, and molecular ecology.

Cell and Developmental Biology of Marine Organisms

Cell and Developmental Biology of Marine Organisms: We seek a candidate in
the field of cell and developmental biology. Potential research areas include
(but are not limited to): fertilization mechanisms, cell-cell interactions,
stem cell biology, evolution and development, mechanisms of development and
life history strategies, larval physiology, biochemical and genetic
adaptations to marine environments, and cell and molecular aspects of marine

Quantitative geophysical and/or geochemical modeling

We seek a candidate with strong theoretical and quantitative skills in any
area that complements existing strengths in earth science research at SIO.
Possible areas of interest include seismology and crustal deformation,
electromagnetics, geochemical and fluid fluxes.

Global change

We seek a candidate with research interests in the area of cryosphere
modeling and sea-level fluctuations. These could include ice sheet dynamics,
interpretation of remote sensing data, or investigations of longer-term
glaciological or geological processes related to sea-level variations and the

Dynamical Meteorology

We seek a candidate with expertise in dynamical meteorology, including (but
not limited to) scientists with interests in ocean-atmosphere interactions.
The candidate should develop a research program in regional, global or paleo-
applications of dynamical meteorology taking advantage of the institutional
strengths of SIO.

State-estimation and modeling

We seek an expert in data assimilation, with application to oceanic,
atmospheric, or coupled models, including biology and biogeochemistry. We
seek scientists able to combine SIO coastal and open ocean observations with
models to provide a dynamically consistent framework for predictions,
analysis, and interpretation.

source: internal email

UoS-NOC-SOES 05/06
UEA-ENV 06/07


All Comments


Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2007-10-10T21:35
※ [本文轉錄自 Tech_Job 看板] 作者: hnwo (弘) 看板: Tech_Job 標題: [請益] 關於設備(時間)嫁動率.oee 時間: Wed Oct 10 21:34:50 2007 不好意思不知道可不可以� ...


Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2007-10-08T03:55
當然去呀 有機會出去看看,有什麼理由不去呢 從所有角度看都是有加分的 -- 人生,就這樣了嗎?我想應該不會的。 遠方的耀眼明亮,有一天也會屬 ...


Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2007-10-07T12:34
各位前輩好~ 小女子今年才剛升上大二 英語系 對未來卻是充滿期待 但是 我卻不清楚未來的路該怎ㄇ走 總是戰戰兢兢 我未來的目標 想放眼澳洲 帶著英� ...


Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2007-10-07T04:46
※ 引述《jc26 (妳是我的專屬天使)》之銘言: : 標題: Re: [北美] 請益一個問題 : 時間: Sat Oct 6 15:16:01 2007


Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2007-10-06T23:02
※ 引述《gary740904 (gary)》之銘言: 我有聽過有台灣人過去考香港的警校 請問香港警校好考嗎 --