Brelyon 徵才 - 工程師

Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2020-05-16T16:52

Table of Contents

正文開始之前 先簡單介紹一下
Brelyon 是一家在美國矽谷的新創公司 目前還處於stealth mode
公司主要的產品為 display / AR/ VR/ MR 相關的應用
Opto-mechanical/ EE/ SW/ Product quality/ Supply chain

以下是 Opto-mechanical engineer JD

[Company Introduction]
BRELYON is a venture-backed, seed stage, Silicon Valley based startup
introducing a new category of displays that immerses the user by providing a
unique lightfield experience. The technology is transformational with
immediate impact on immersive data visualization, gaming E-sports, and
specialty monitors.

[Job Description]
Make the design a reality from design to mass production. Expert in one or
more 3D design software (e.g. SolidWorks, KeyCreator, Rhino, CATIA, etc).
Uses 3D design software very often for designing and design review, is
involved in choosing materials, geometries, and assessing the mechanics of
proposed designs. Familiar with state-of-the-art manufacturing and emerging
materials to develop and support the future direction of the product line.
Works in the lab and behind the computer.

5+ years.

[Must have skills]
● Stellar conceptualization and understanding of geometry.
● Expertise in 3D SW such as SolidWorks, Adobe illustrator or equivalent
software with optical function.
● Have ability to transfer from prototyping to industrial manufacturing.
● Familiar with designing mechanics of optical systems and consumer
electronics components.
● Expert/familiar with laser cutting, 3D printing, CNC machines, and
different types of casting, molding and any advanced manufacturing
● Structure and tolerance analysis
● Experience in assembly process of opto-mechanical device
● Solid understanding of mechanical engineering fundamentals: properties of
materials, solid mechanics, and thermodynamics
● Mass production related experience

[Preferred skills:]
● Pro E, Rhino, Adobe photoshop, Autodesk sketchbook
● Experience designing mechanical constraints of PCBs, FPCs, etc.
● Fast learner, driven problem solver.
● Self-motivated, organized, flexible, and able to balance and prioritize
multiple diverse projects
● Drive external supplier to achieve mass production
● System integration experience is plus.
● Excited about working in dynamic startup environment, has good
communication skills, with desire to grow into a creative lead.
● Must be able to read, write, and speak fluently in English.

Taipei or Taichung

1.7+ M TWD/ year + stock options + bonus

[Contact information]
Please kindly contact throught email - [email protected]

台灣的辦公室位置還不確定 但是我們把 事情 做好 看得比進辦公室還重要
因此基本上只要求一周進辦公室3天 (還是會需要con-call 而且HW會需要做些實驗)

除了該職缺外 如果對於 EE/ SW/ Product quality/ Supply chain 有興趣的也可聯絡


All Comments

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2020-05-18T02:59
一天進3天? 還是一週進3天?
Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2020-05-20T06:46
對Quality有興趣.....可是沒有五年 哭
Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2020-05-25T01:10
Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2020-05-29T04:35
Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2020-05-31T16:29
Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2020-06-05T10:04
Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2020-06-05T15:36
台中 吸引力高
Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2020-06-08T14:22


Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2020-05-16T16:08
各位年薪300大大好 小弟116航太碩畢 有幸拿到gg設備的offer 同時手上還有緯創內湖server熱傳的offer 想請問各位12廠euv的工作狀況 爬文都說非常操 想知道有沒有前輩在那邊待的經驗 另外我也想知道去euv設備能否讓自己摸到先進製程的技術 新鮮人有很多不懂的,還請大家多多鞭 ...


Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2020-05-16T15:20
很好奇一堆美國客戶常常要求老闆 業務Cost reduction ,但是美國客戶自己不會漲價 只會一直壓台灣工程師薪水 美國爸爸這麼厲害可以去找日本,或是大陸工廠幫他代工阿 不然整天哭邀,說要轉單甚麼鬼之類的 利潤永遠在他們手上? 說好的美國製造呢,怎麼還沒實現呢 三普爸爸! - ...

對岸半導體 加速國產化

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2020-05-16T15:04 2020-05-16 00:36 經濟日報 / 記者李仲維/綜合報導 台積電宣布投入120億美元在美國建廠,陸媒解讀,在中美兩強高科技競爭中,這無疑是 川普政府的一次勝利,但在美國對中國大陸半導體產業步步進逼態勢下,也將加速大 ...

3奈米已留台 經部樂觀台積電赴美

Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2020-05-16T12:17 3奈米已留台 經部樂觀台積電赴美 04:10 2020/05/16 中國時報 王玉樹 、 李侑珊 ...

愛評網員工遭解僱訴委屈 街口:不容污衊

Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2020-05-16T11:51
鄉民看戲本就要中立點看, 過了一年再來看, 1. 愛評網,網站不見了,文章也找不到了,只留下FB 2. 到是有找到創辦人FB,但看起來不像在愛評網工作, 3. 似乎是整個網站及資訊全部消失,是說街口連資料也不想要了 4. 猜測是沒有資金了,無以為繼 只覺得美團是最大損失者,投資近千萬,不知最後賠 ...