Cenpiph 誠徵軟體開發人才 - 福利

Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2015-08-03T15:57

Table of Contents

Cenpiph(宏焰公司)為澳洲多國電信服務商Ethan Group的子公司, 在香港、新加坡、澳
洲、黎巴嫩等地都設有辦公室, 致力於運用雲端及大數據科技提供企業用戶最快速及具擴
充性的解決方案, 協助客戶快速地回收投資。

我們即將在台灣建立據點並持續提供客戶軟體開發的協助與服務。 公司的成功將奠基於
誠實努力的員工及獨特有趣的企業文化, 誠摯地邀請您成為其中的一份子, 一同迎向建立


Cenpiph (宏焰有限公司)


1. Engineering Team Lead
2. Web Developer (Front-end)
3. Software Engineer (Back-end)
4. Web Designer


1. Engineering Team Lead
* Manage and oversee team of 5+ software integration engineers and web
developers to deploy cloud based software solutions.
* Execute Agile development methodology.
* Follow Agile methodology in product deployment.
* Gather business and technical requirements and ensure development team is
delivering by the requirements.
* Maintain and manage strict set delivery timelines during each sprint.
* Act as scrum master and project manager.
* Perform basic QA support to validate quality.

2. Web Developer (Front-end)
* Work closely with the web designers and create front end web pages based on
designer's specifications.
* Work closely with software integration team to render dynamic data onto web
* Follow Agile methodology in product deployment.
* Writes production quality web based codes.
* Analyze and optimize front-end and back-end codes, and pursue simplicity,
efficiency, reliability and performance.
* Use independent judgment to take existing code, understand its function and
change/enhance as needed.
* Mentor junior level engineers and provide technical guidance, and engage in
design and code review for other team members.
* Provide documentation to all development and customizations.
* Leverage customer existing cloud and service catalog technology and build
the integration features into these products.

3. Software Engineer (Back-end)
* Work closely with the product team to design and develop a variety of
features and reusable components to deploy XaaS, PaaS, IaaS product and
* Implement the features and follow Agile methodology in product deployment.
* Writes production quality integration for a contained complicate feature
set or function area.
* Analyze and optimize front-end and back-end codes, and pursue simplicity,
efficiency, reliability and performance.
* Use independent judgment to take existing code, understand its function and
change/enhance as needed.
* Mentor junior level engineers and provide technical guidance, and engage in
design and code review for other team members.
* Provide documentation to all development and customizations.
* Leverage customer existing cloud and service catalog technology and build
the integration features into these products.

4. Web Designer
* Website mock-ups and wireframes.
* Website creative content.
* Flash and html based user interfaces.
* Identity assets such as logos, as well as brand specific colour/style
* Static banners if needed.
* Build websites to the highest standard and work closely with other
designers and developers to complete web projects.
* Build and develop high quality websites and ensure that they are browser
compatible, SEO friendly and meet high web standards.
* Responsibility for the design, usability and testing of new and existing
websites, ensuring that requirements and deadlines are met.
* Assist the developers in the production, modification and frontend
maintenance of websites and web application/flash user interfaces.


1. Engineering Team Lead
* Solid foundation in computer science, with basic competences in operating
systems, computer networks, data structures, and software design.
* Excellent problem solving, collaboration and communication skills.
* A demonstrated capability for creative thinking, intellectual and
entrepreneurial exploration.
* 2+ years of software project management experience.
* Must have fundamental knowledge of Cloud and software integration framework.
* Must be self-sufficient, and self-discipline with ability to deliver by
* Speak English and able to communicate and conduct meetings in English.

2. Web Developer (Front-end)
* Solid foundation in computer science, with basic competences in operating
systems, computer networks, data structures, and software design.
* Excellent problem solving, collaboration and communication skills.
* A demonstrated capability for creative thinking, intellectual and
entrepreneurial exploration.
* 2+ years of web development experience.
* Experience in large system coding and debugging skills.
* Experience in writing unit tests and testable codes.
* Must have strong skills in JavaScript, jquery, Backbone, and Dojo.
* Must be self-sufficient, and self-discipline with ability to deliver by
* Extensive experience in Web Services and REST API rendering.
* Basic conversations in English.

3. Software Engineer (Back-end)
* Solid foundation in computer science, with competences in operating
systems, computer networks, data structures, and software design.
* Excellent problem solving, collaboration and communication skills.
* A demonstrated capability for creative thinking, intellectual and
entrepreneurial exploration.
* 2+ years of progressive software development experience.
* Experience in large system coding and debugging skills.
* Experience in writing unit tests and testable codes.
* Programming skill in either C++ or JAVA.
* Must be self-sufficient, and self-discipline with ability to deliver by
* Have basic database skills to perform integration with MSSQL and/or Oracle.
* Have experience in taking API and perform integration to any software system.
* Extensive experience in Web Services and REST API.
* Basic conversations in English.

4. Web Designer
* Extensive knowledge of Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.
* Excellent communication skills and attention to detail.
* A good understanding of website information architecture to create a website.
* Excellent problem solving, collaboration and communication skills.
* A demonstrated capability for creative thinking.
* 2+ years of web design experience.
* Must be self-sufficient, and self-discipline with ability to deliver by
* Basic conversations in English.










月薪4~9萬, 保障14個月, 依能力經驗面議


1. Engineering Team Lead 2人
2. Web Developer (Front-end) 4人
3. Software Engineer (Back-end) 8人
4. Web Designer 2人


意者請將履歷/作品email至[email protected]


1. 公司福利制度依照勞基法規定, 年休假優於勞基法, 試用期滿即享有年休假10天, 依
2. 辦公環境規劃有兩間獨立的Quiet Room、淋浴間, 並提供免費咖啡, 以及Friday
Happy Hour, 希望創造一個Work Hard Play Hard, 開心有趣的工作環境。
3. Cenpiph歡迎有相關工作經驗的工作夥伴加入團隊, 在收到履歷後我們會儘快與您聯繫,


All Comments

Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2015-08-05T08:15
Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2015-08-06T21:51
Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2015-08-07T04:56


Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2015-08-03T13:14
社工夥伴們好^^目前將舉辦關於自閉症兒童(ASD)的研習課程,歡迎相關專業的社工夥伴可以一起來參加喔! *丹佛早療模式(ESDM)為國際上目前最具實徵�� ...


Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2015-08-03T11:26
大家好 我是應屆畢業生 留學期間在北美有過實習經驗 找工作時已有一份常用的一頁式履歷 最近想在台灣找工作 逛了104/1111發現台灣找工作用的履歷格 ...

友達發放季獎金 逾萬人添7天薪資

Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2015-08-03T05:17
來源: http://tinyurl.com/ncofnze 原文: 上半年面板市場景氣呈現淡季不淡,友達(2409)連續第9季交出獲利成績單,秉持與 員工同享原則,繼5月發�� ...


Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2015-08-02T22:48
各位在海外工作的強者們, 想請問有沒有生技醫藥業相關領域的薪水資訊? 我目前是三年經驗的免洗研究助理, 因為實驗室進行產學合作的關係有碰過生 ...


Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2015-08-02T11:54
【職缺名稱】 程式開發 【徵才單位】 e-Jan Networks Co. http://www.e-jan.co.jp 公司介紹中文版video請見 http://www.e-jan.co.jp/movie/e-jan.mp4 【工作地址】 日本東京� ...