Cisco思科新鮮人招募(工作經驗兩年內) - 加班

Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2019-03-26T14:37

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代PO 勿站內信

美商Cisco思科新鮮人(工作經驗兩年內)招募>Component Engineer
臺北全職(Full Time) 職缺- Component Engineer /ASIC核心晶片
申請截止日:2019年5月31日 | 此次主要招募對像為工程類碩士
( 電機工程, 材料工程, 機械工程, 微電子相關工程類研究所畢業) |
上班日:2019年9月 |
投遞中英文履歷至Cisco思科人力資源大中華區聯絡人 Jenny Huang |
[email protected] |
+86 21 24197053 | +86 13901950986 |
微信號WeChat ID: opalhuan

(臺北市信義路四段 460 號 12 樓)
電話:+8862 8758 7100

薪資: 月薪新台幣10萬元起~12個月


We’re the people who made the Internet what it is today. From its early days
of simple connectivity to the future of the Internet of Everything, we’ve
pioneered it every step of the way. Now we’re building the best team in the
business so we can continue to change the way the world works, lives, plays,
and learns by connecting the unconnected.
Exciting opportunity to join in Cisco, No 1 IT Company in its Global Supply
Management team within Supply Chain in order to help Cisco to create an
unrivaled customer experience & competitive advantage for Cisco through end
to end operations leadership and supply management.

Technology and Quality CQT Organization - Component Quality and Technology
(CQT) organization is responsible for delivering customer-driven quality and
reliability solutions and infrastructure for Cisco products. We are committed
to driving a competitive advantage for Cisco by ensuring innovation and
excellence in component technology and engineering.

思科全球供應鏈技術和質量部 - 通過製造技術革新,工程測試和零部件測試,新產品管

As a Component Engineer in the Component Quality and Technology (CQT)
organization, you’ll work in the area of semiconductor component
manufacturing, technology, application and reliability. You will focus on
all aspects of silicon process/technology to drive quality and reliable
solutions for Cisco products. You’ll work with next generation technology to
help improve Cisco’s competitive advantage. You’ll work with smart people
on a variety of smart projects.
Then you’ll work with your team to plan innovative solutions to bring the
future even closer.

職缺能力及經歷要求Education Eligibility Criteria :
‧ You have a Master degree in Material Science/Engineering related
‧ You possess strong program management skills
‧ You have strong leadership skills
‧ You must work well in teams
‧ You must be fluent in speaking and writing in English


All Comments

Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2019-03-28T06:09
Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2019-04-01T05:39


Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2019-03-26T12:53
各位大大好 小弟目前約一年半的土木經驗,近期去面試上大合基礎工程-永康部門的分析人員,想請 益各位是否有詳細之福利制度,工作風氣能分享。 ...


Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2019-03-26T09:51
★機構名稱:社團法人臺北市社會工作師公會 ★職缺類別:專員 ★工作地點:台北市中正區林森南路4-2號4樓 ★工作時間:週一到週五 09:00-18:00 ★�� ...


Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2019-03-26T00:57
※ 引述《wss4127 (sw1234)》之銘言: : 如題 : 小弟私立大學電機系畢業 : 現在就讀臺大電碩一 : 前陣子聯發科校園徵才 : 投了軟韌的暑期實習 : 距離上傳履歷快一星期了 : 周圍幾個同學提早交的都收到面試了 : 我現在還遲遲沒收到 : 不知道這是不是代表被刷掉了... : 另外 : 軟 ...


Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2019-03-26T00:01
很好的分享, 我是覺得沒什麼好戰的。 我在大陸一線城市(?)在職專班教Data Science, 班上有有點基礎,想轉職的, 也有沒有基礎想開始的。 沒有基礎 ...


Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2019-03-25T20:03
請問大大 長春集團台北總公司工作風氣如何? 環安衛部不知道評價如何?工時福利? 目前據說擴廠正逐步徵才當中! 謝謝! - ...