CNBC:2018年全球50大創新破壞公司 - 工程師

Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2018-06-08T13:39

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[情報] CNBC:2018年全球50大創新破壞公司



TOP50 獨角獸新創公司 核心技術領域
1 SpaceX Taking the lead in the new space race.
2 Uber Faring better in the post-Travis era.
3 Airbnb Rewriting the book on bookings.
4 Didi Chuxing How do you say "Uber" in Mandarin?
5 Lyft Sticking to the high road.
6 Grab Just another rideshare unicorn ...
7 23andMe A genetics house call.
8 Udacity Nanodegree your way to a new job.
9 Rent the Runway A closet in the cloud.
10 Coinbase Buy, sell, HODL.
11 TransferWise Eating up foreign-exchange fees.
12 Oscar Health 200,000 people who like their plan.
13 Payoneer Helping companies get paid around the world.
14 SurveyMonkey A way to better answers.
15 Progyny Fertile ground for disruption.
16 Adyen The company that gave PayPal the wooden shoe.
17 TheRealReal What's in your closet?
18 Indigo Agriculture Seeding the world.
19 Ezetap Powering India's cashless revolution.
20 Peloton A new spin on spinning.
21 Ginkgo Bioworks Microbe economics.
22 LISNR No Wi-Fi? No problem.
23 WeWork For when you need some space.
24 Ellevest Wall Street for, and by, women.
25 Zipline International Drones to the rescue.
26 LanzaTech Won't let carbon go to waste.
27 Crowdstrike Into the breach, and ending it.
28 Xiaomi A $100 billion iPhone competitor, any day now.
29 Flirtey The robot revolution takes flight.
30 Veritas Genetics Your whole genome, all 6.4 billion letters of it.
31 Houzz Improving home improvement.
32 C3 IoT What are those devices saying?
33 Palantir Technologies They know you, even if you don't know them.
34 Darktrace A digital immune boost.
35 Duolingo How do you say ...
36 Pinterest 100 billion ideas shared.
37 Thinx An underwear innovator takes on Tampax.
38 Robinhood Turning trading upside down.
39 Uptake Big machines break, but maybe they don't have to.
40 Drawbridge An ad's journey from screen to screen.
41 InMobi A personalized mobile ad experience.
42 Coursera We don't need no formal IT education.
43 Stripe Cracking the code on getting your internet business paid.
44 Illumio We all have vulnerabilities.
45 Fanatics They root for everyone, as long as you root for someone.
46 Auris Health A surgical robot pioneer scrubs in, in the next
47 Luminar How self-driving cars see around corners.
48 Apeel Sciences The end of rotten food.
49 GitHub The ultimate source for open source.
50 SoFi Yes, online lending still has a future.


All Comments

Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2018-06-13T06:10
Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2018-06-14T12:45
Grab 在東南亞超紅,上次去新山找司機,司機是華人
他還抱怨 Grab 司機考試要英文,叫他會英文的朋友在旁邊
Cover 他 Skype 線上面試
Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2018-06-16T04:45


Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2018-06-08T10:03
技職聾頭機械系大四要畢業學長跟你說 系上在大學部搞什麼組別的 其實沒有人理 更何況有些組別的課程根本沒開 或是時間無法配合 所以阿畢業學分拿好拿滿就好 想修啥就修啥 有興趣就修 不用特意達成那些組別的課程需求 要延畢去拿那個學程證書 既不實用也不值得 真的對某方面有興趣 或是覺得別人講出路好一定要跟上 那就早點去找教授作專題 或是考該方面組別的研究所 祝你學業順利平安喜樂 科科 - ...


Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2018-06-08T09:15
真的 你唸機械 工數應該很不錯 我認識唸機械的 很多都是工數高手 轉唸電波都發揮得很好 要知道 台灣著名網通廠: 中磊 執行長跟技術長,大學都是機械背景 原po如果認為自己唸不好電,肯定是妄自菲薄 ※ 引述《Festo (Festo)》之銘言: : 建議...轉電資。 : 我是認真的。 : 轉電資,就算考上海洋、東華...等等的所, : 也比台清交的機械所好。 : 而老實說,我覺 ...


Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2018-06-08T09:13
※ 引述《mkm000111 (米)》之銘言: : 小弟是某技職龍頭大二機械系生 : 大三開始準備要修專業選修了 : 修滿某一類課程可得該系列課程的學程證書 : 想問問選哪組出路比較好 : 1.精密製造 : 2.模具設計與製作 : 3.綠能與材料 : 4.熱流與能源 : 5.系統設計與控制 : 6.半導體與光電 : (選擇哪個學程 跟研究所要考哪組沒關) : 然後講一下個人的狀況... : 熱流跟 ...


Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2018-06-08T08:33
台塑集團總裁王文淵過去幾年來不斷增加四寶的持股,今年可從四寶領取合計14.1億元的 股利。(攝影/鄭國強) 隨著台塑、台化、台塑化、南亞等台塑四寶今年發放股利創10年新高(1777億元),台塑 四寶的大股東長庚醫院今年可領193.21億元的現金股利,傲視國內各大醫院,其中單持股 108萬多張的台化每股發放7.3元現金股利,讓長庚醫院一口氣有79.5億元進帳,就台塑王 家個人部分,台塑 ...


Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2018-06-08T05:22
※ 引述《mkm000111 (米)》之銘言: : 小弟是某技職龍頭大二機械系生 : 大三開始準備要修專業選修了 : 修滿某一類課程可得該系列課程的學程證書 : 想問問選哪組出路比較好 : 1.精密製造 : 2.模具設計與製作 : 3.綠能與材料 : 4.熱流與能源 : 5.系統設計與控制 : 6.半導體與光電 : (選擇哪個學程 跟研究所要考哪組沒關) : 然後講一下個人的狀況... : 熱流跟 ...