(Contractor): Social Media Marketing Specialist - 海外工作

Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2011-02-25T00:55

Table of Contents

這是一個Contractor Position, 所以沒有辦法用來申請工作簽證

Position: Social Media Marketing Specialist (This is a contractor position)
Company: Wolters Kluwer - Greater Chicago Area

Job Description

The Social Media Marketing Specialist positions the CCH, a Wolters Kluwer
brand in the social, professional, and community networking space. The
Specialist will manage the social media communications strategy, as well as
the CCH online community. The role will coordinate with internal marketing
teams to ensure consistency in voice and messaging throughout the social,
professional, and community networking delivery channels. This is a hands-on
position that requires existing knowledge of the social media practices, as
well as the metrics and benchmarks with which to measure effectiveness.

Duties and Responsibilities:

* Oversee presence in social, professional, and community networking sites
including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and other social media sites
* Work with management to examine, refine, and execute social, professional,
and community marketing strategy
* Regularly communicate product, marketing, event, and noteworthy news
through social, professional, and community channels
* Become the voice of CCH in the social media space, engaging in dialogue and
answering questions where appropriate
* Use best practices to build a robust social, professional, and community
following within various diverse channels
* Research existing and emerging social, professional, and community
networking sites for ways to reach and engage in conversations with the CCH
target market
* Identify emerging social media trends to position CCH at the forefront
within the vertical
* Track performance and report to management on a variety of social media
success metrics
* Promote social bookmarking/syndication (RSS) using tools such as DIGG,
del.icio.us, Stumbleupon, etcetera.
* Other duties as assigned

Desired Skills & Experience

* BA in marketing, public relations, communications, related field, or
equivalent experience
* 1+ years of experience in social media marketing required
* A passion for social media marketing and other inbound marketing strategies
* Ability to work independently, multi-task and thrive in a highly matrixed
and fast-paced environment
* Superior written and oral communication skills
* Excellent organizational skills with a attention to detail
* Proficient with Microsoft Office Suite

If interested, please apply online at http://linkd.in/hiFLqK (and/or) send a
copy of your resume to [email protected]. Thank you.


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Lawyer's rate tops $1000/hour

Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2011-02-24T01:46
太慘了,會計師的rate連一半都摸不到. 差不多要轉行當律師比較實在. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704071304576160362028728234.html Leading attorneys in the U.S. ...

請問一下IRS網站上的Free File Fillabl …

Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2011-02-24T00:45
同篇請問一下 因為我第一次填1040nr 雖然是照著instruction填,但覺得超級不放心 我想問的是寄過去後如果自已算錯,會怎麼樣atat 是叫我再重算?還是 ...


Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2011-02-23T06:36
我先生的ESPP在E-TRADE 今年準備要報稅時 才知道B+H1的停留天數可以當作居民 不過在E-TRADE當初是填非居民 我們在2月初才改成居民 所以今年不會有 ...


Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2011-02-22T13:43
如題,徵求2/23中午後由上海任一機場飛台灣旅客,我們會送樣品到機場, 幫我們帶電子樣品回台,酬3千台幣,我們在台灣機場一手交錢一手交貨 拜託大家告 ...

請問一下IRS網站上的Free File Fillable Form

Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2011-02-21T06:51
IRS的網站上很明確的說 Anyone can use Free File Fillable Forms 但是我進去沒看到1040NR... 我目前在舊金山工作,但剛開始而已還沒拿H1B 所以我應該是要用nr,� ...