DBS星展銀行System Project Manager - 工程師

Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2015-09-10T19:22

Table of Contents

Job Title: System Project Manager/Specialist, Project Management & Business Support
Location: Taiwan
Full/Part Time: Full-Time
Regular/Temporary: Regular


* Work in partnership with stakeholders to drive process improvement through innovation and utilization of technology.
* Gather/document business requirements and challenges to drive for improvement.
* Project planning, monitoring, scheduling, control, risk management and implementation.
* Facilitate cross department communication and to reach consensus for best practice.
* Support users & regional IT for UAT management and system training


Education: Bachelor or above with major in Information Engineering/MIS is preferable.

* 2 years of working experience in system-related projects with strong ability in problem resolving and project management.
* 1 years work/project experience in banking/finance industry
* 1 years of working experience in software development (Database/Browser/Mobile APP/Client-Server) is preferable.
* Able to work under high pressure with multiple tasks and prompt actions.
* Good communication ability in spoken and written Mandarin and English.
* Familiar with MS- Office, Good documentation Skill
* A good team player

contact: [email protected]


All Comments

Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2015-09-13T04:54
請問薪水範圍約 ?
Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2015-09-15T13:15
XD DBS在新加坡星展的內部笑話 DBS stands for Damn
Bloody cheapSkate
Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2015-09-16T09:58
沒薪水範圍....刪 ....
Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2015-09-19T06:55
版規九 請補上薪資範圍

(代PO)關於 勝麗國際

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2015-09-10T18:09
(代PO) 有朋友最近收到 勝麗國際 (原勝麗國際與勝開科技合併) 這間公司的RD工程師面試通知 不過在板上找不到相關的資料,想在這邊發問,請教各位大 ...


Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2015-09-10T16:03
想要問一下各位IC廠SA跟系統廠EE相較下,SA往後的發展會比較窄嗎 ?還是不全然? 希望大家可以給給意見 謝謝大家! --


Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2015-09-10T15:27
各位前輩好 我是私大科大 學士畢業 已工作四年多 最近換工作 想請問大家以下二間公司的 職缺發展、工作氣氛 還有年薪 和未來發展升遷 那間比較 ...

這樣的條件 會想從台北換到台中嗎?

Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2015-09-10T14:34
小弟是在台北的工程師(軟體業) 目前工作時間一天約10~11小時 壓力普普 年薪約14個月 前陣子找到一個台中的工作 薪水少4k, (約41~42) 年薪少一個月 但工� ...


Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2015-09-10T13:47
配合服用 台灣出口衰退的原因解讀! http://goo.gl/5w4SE1 撇開藍綠這種阿哩不達的政治議題(為什麼始終沒辦法吵成左右?), 對單一國家的貿易依存度過高�� ...