EPOS Taiwan recruitment - 工程師

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2016-02-01T11:20

Table of Contents


POS系統,Kiosk自助收銀, 網路商店平台整合,會計作帳系統等。為中小企業打造高效率與

徵求職位:Python 全端工程師


工作待遇: 50K*14個月(畢業生程度),有經驗者另議。







擅長工具:PythonCompany Overview:

聯絡人 韓小姐 [email protected]

EPOS, founded in 2009, is a leading software developer dedicating to provide
SMEs the comprehensive and efficient IT solutions. We are one of the top three POS
companies in Singapore and the certificated POS seller for all kinds of Singapore
government grant.

Our products have been used in over 60 different kinds of industries,
including major Singapore government agencies and MNCs. We have an active and strong team capable for
flexible customisation requirements and handling of major projects (e.g. major clients
will have 2030 outlets, with more than 40 systems). Our clients include Citibank and LVMH.
We are a onestop technology provider for SMEs and aim to provide seamless wellintegrated
software for SMEs. We aim to support our clients from their initial creation
as a small company and purchase of their first POS and website to their eventual growth into
large companies.

EPOS IT Solutions for SMEs include:

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system
Point of Sale systems (retail and F&B)
Online store that is integrated with ERP and POS
Selfservice kiosks and terminals
Tablet ordering systems (mainly F&B)
Accounting system
Email marketing system with advanced machine learning and recommendation system.
Advanced analytics and machine learning
Gamification and recommendation systems

EPOS currently supplies POS systems and Technology solutions to Singapore,
Malaysia and Brunei.

EPOS currently has sales office in Singapore and development office in
Vietnam. The company is looking to develop a new software development HQ in Taipei, with
expectations to build up to a team of 15 developers by Q4 2016.

We are looking for driven, talented and responsible developers who we can
nurture into the future leaders and managers of our Taiwan office. Our company policy is to
promote internally as much as possible. Our current managers have all been promoted internally
from within the company.

At EPOS, it is possible to very quickly achieve a leadership
position with excellent work performance.

Based on POS systems, we built various of integrated solutions such as
cloudbase system,selfservice kiosk, ecommerce platform, and accounting software to enhance SMEs daily
operation and to help them with a highly efficient and intelligent management


All Comments


Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2016-01-31T23:52
公司 中科院(航空所電資組) 台達電 內容 軟體/飛行系統 軟體工程師 工時 正常上下班 ? 交通 租屋/住家 租屋 �� ...


Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2016-01-31T23:11
大家好 最近剛到陽光街瑞湖街洪師父牛肉麵附近上班 發現中午除了那個修車廠旁邊特地來賣吃的攤販外 附近幾乎沒東西可以吃= = 我有走到台達電附近 ...


Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2016-01-31T22:27
請教各位百萬先進大大: 小弟最近接獲richtek的面試通知,因為小弟都在 半導體業,所以並沒有IC設計的經驗 , 因此想請教 ...


Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2016-01-31T21:29
我是代PO,因友人帳號權限不足,所以請我代PO ---------------------------------------------- 公司 竹北小公司(IP CAM) 中科院 部門職缺 軟韌體工程�� ...

科技板五霸 PNRMm

Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2016-01-31T16:18
又該是華山論劍的時刻 GG 破格場外觀戰, 考慮各一方之霸的年紀與後勢 PNRMm 有異議嗎? ----- Sent from JPTT on my Sony D5833. --           長 ...