Facebook招聘軟體工程師 + Tech Talk - 面試

Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2014-11-24T17:46

Table of Contents

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=====Tech Talk 信息=====

Sign-up: http://fbgrctt.splashthat.com/

Tech Talk Topic : Machine Learning & Optimization at Facebook

The mission of Facebook is to make the world more open and connected. Creating a platform to make available the best content and information to our users is crucial to the success of the mission. Machine learning is our best friend in dealing with the tremendous amount of data we have. It is a day to day tool that we build, use and keep improving to ensure efficient processing of our data and to make possible for optimal content selection and recommendation. In this tech talk, Hao Zhang will talk about
the different machine learning techniques and platform that we built in various applications including friend suggestions, news feed ranking and ads ranking. He is going to share about the unique characteristics of each application, the lessons we learnt in working with these practical machine learning problems and a perspective of what the future of machine learning at Facebook may look like.

Hao is an engineering manager on our Ads Personalization team, and has been working on solving large scale content ranking problems at Facebook since 2012. He is a graduate of UC Berkeley and Tsinghua University, and has experience working on Optimization, Machine Learning and Statistics. He currently leads the personalization team in building large scale machine learning models, mining data to extract personalized machine learning features and designing ads ranking delivery systems for optimized
content selection.


IMPORTANT NOTE: If you're interested in coming to the talk, please briefly explanation about why you'd like to attend and an overview of your background/experience at


We will be reviewing all submissions and due to limited space, will only be able to invite a shortlisted group. Please note that this is an entry-by-invite-only event.





Facebook擁有13億月活躍用戶,是世界上最大的社交網絡。大部分用戶每天都會登陸Facebook,並利用Facebook上各種各樣的功能和朋友們分享自己的生活(比如Photos, NewsFeed, Mobile, Messenger等等)。為了能支持海量用戶的訪問,我們的任何一個產品都面臨復雜有趣的技術難題。作為一個工程師,如果你想投入到充滿挑戰性的設計開發中,並讓你的產品和技術影響到數以億計用戶每天的生活,那Facebook是個很好的選擇。





職位地點:美國Menlo Park總部辦公室,或其他衛星辦公室

招聘職位:全職軟件工程師; 移動 (iOS/Android)軟件工程師


Code web services using primarily C++ and Java
Create web applications using primarily PHP
Implement web interfaces using XHTML, CSS, and Javascript
Build report interfaces and data feeds

(For Android engineers)
Work closely with our product and design teams to customize the Facebook experience for the Android platform

(For iOS engineers)
Work closely with our product and design teams to customize the Facebook experience for the iOS platformBuild reusable iOS software components for interfacing with the Facebook platform

At least 1+ years of industrial experience in the related field
Expertise with C++ and/or Java
Knowledge of perl and/or PHP and/or python
Knowledge of relational databases and SQL

(For Android engineers)
2+ years of full time mobile development experience
Broad experience developing & optimizing Android applications using the Android SDK
Passion for run-time efficiency, reducing APK size, or minimizing memory overhead

(For iOS engineers)
2+ years full time experience building iPhone/iPad applications on the iPhone/iPad using the iOS SDK
Passion for creating new features and finding new ways to make existing code more efficient
Able to code in Objective-C

薪資待遇: 100K+ (US dollars, 不包括bonus + RSU),理論上沒有上限,根據經驗和能力而定


有感興趣的,請把你的英文簡歷發至[email protected] (copy [email protected])。 注:由於fb.com的域名在CERNET解析有問題,請使用非校園網郵箱(比如163, gmail)發信給我們,以免耽誤申請。為了避免申請延誤,請使用如下郵件主題格式(英文):

Name (Last, First) — applying Position (generalist and/or iOS and/or Android)

Liang, Ying — Generalist
Zhang, Da — Generalist + iOS
Wang, Fei — Android
Li, Ning — Generalist + Android


申請截至日期為Dec 15, 2014。由於名額有限,請盡快將簡歷發給我們,避免延誤。


All Comments

Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2014-11-28T02:49
Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2014-11-28T09:55
據說rsu+bonus可談到和base一樣… 偉哉美帝!
Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2014-12-02T07:11
Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2014-12-06T06:38

H1B extension 問題

Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2014-11-24T13:46
各位好 我的H1B到 2015 Sep 30號到期 有一些問題想請教 1. 申請Extention通常多久會下來? 2. 多久之前要申請 申請的時間會不會影響新的H1B的開始和結束時間 ...


Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2014-11-24T12:20
Hi 我現在用OPT在加州工作 想請問近幾年有人沒請律師自己辦H1B的嗎? 因為公司要我自己找律師,而且我也要自己出申請H1B的費用 薪水已經不是很多了 �� ...


Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2014-11-22T18:36
※ 引述《TokinoeMina (簽啦簽啦簽啦簽啦)》之銘言: : 前一陣子才從日本面試回來,我想應該能做點參考 : 不太清楚你要找的軟體工作是哪方面的, : 我�� ...

W-4裡面的Head of household

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at 2014-11-22T10:24
※ 引述《bizarre173 (bizarre173)》之銘言: : 最近填W-4想到了一個關於Head of household的問題 : 到IRS查了相關法條對這項優惠的定義 : Head of Household : 3. A qualifyi ...

W-4裡面的Head of household

Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2014-11-22T10:05
最近填W-4想到了一個關於Head of household的問題 Head of household. Generally, you can claim head of household filing status on your tax return only if you are unmarried and pay more than ...