Fast-Growing Market for RNAi Products - 生技

Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2004-11-04T22:29

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標題:Fast-Growing Market for RNAi Products Shows No Signs of Slowing

.....The promise of RNA interference (RNAi) therapeutics to combat human
illnesses such as Huntington's disease, Lou Gehrig's disease and hepatitis
C has vastly increased scientific interest in the field. In fact, according
to a recent survey, 65% of RNAi researchers only began using these techniques
in the past 12 months. Increased activity by these current practitioners as
well as an influx of new users will fuel rapid growth in the market for RNAi
research products over the next year......(詳請參閱連結)

Tags: 生技

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生技業前三季 表現兩極

Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2004-11-04T22:11
出處:【2004-11-02/經濟日報/C7版/傳統綜合】 記者邱馨儀/台北報導 標題:生技業前三季 表現兩極 百略東貿晶宇等成長逾三成 榮睿必翔業績不佳 ...

何美玥:生技業 將成產業主流

Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2004-11-04T22:08
出處:【2004-11-03/經濟日報/A5版/每日話題】 記者陳秀蘭/台北報導 標題:健康產業 潛力十足 何美玥:生技業 將成產業主流 目前尚在起步 預 ...


Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2004-11-02T12:41
詳見 今年的科學美國人(Scientific American)依照往例,從上萬個網站去蕪存菁的篩選出五十 個全球最佳科技網站(Science ...

請問 相機 直接接著目鏡拍

Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2004-10-31T23:17
※ 引述《JSL3719 (不談戀愛不結婚)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《weir (不瞭解)》之銘言: : : 想要買台相機 直接接著目鏡拍 紀錄自己養的細胞的生長狀況 : : ...


Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2004-10-29T23:36
我正在看一本大陸的論文 因為是轉印的 所以有些內容不清楚 重點是簡體字和繁體字間所稱的化學式不大一樣 所以我想要看原文的paper 但是大陸寫參考� ...