Frontend Developer - 工程師

Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2018-03-09T13:23

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Title: Frontend Developer (Taipei-based)

About the business and the role

We are an established US based start-up (Qotient),
now rapidly expanding overseas and need developers to join our team.

Being in the SaaS space means we work at a fast pace
but also have a to maintain high standards of delivery on our platform.

This is an intermediate developer role,
focussed primarily on the front-end technology stack
but with plenty of scope to grow.

You'll be working at the heart of the business
and be a key addition to a great team.

Job tasks and responsibilities

This is a great role to further develop your skills in frontend development
with an emphasis on quality and world class design.

You'll be working with experienced senior developers
to develop code in an Agile environment,
following and implementing best practice approaches
in test automation, continuous deployment and AWS.

Joining a growing development team also provides the ideal opportunity
to branch out into new areas!

Skills and experience

‧At least 3 years solid JavaScript development experience
‧Experience in React.js
‧Good level of competence around version control, testing etc.
‧Appreciation for UI design and quality.
‧Excellent communication skills/spoken and written English
‧Passionate and enthusiastic about what you do!

Nice to have:
‧Experience in other js frameworks such as Angular
‧Experience in React Native
‧Exposure to AWS, Rails
‧Test automation experience

Your interest will be treated in the strictest of confidence.

Job benefits and perks

Annual Salary: NTD 750,000-NTD 1,000,000


Please send your resume to

Phone numbers: 02-2547-1938


All Comments

Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2018-03-11T23:06
Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2018-03-15T04:56
您好,我剛有用電腦修改內文,加註職位是Taipei bas


Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2018-03-09T09:49
小弟最近有幸接到可成科技宿遷廠研發工程師的offer 雖然之前在大陸蘇州短暫停留過,對大陸環境也不大陌生 版上是否有前輩可否分享對於這間公司的相關意見或看法 謝謝!? - ...


Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2018-03-09T09:10
[情報] 人工智慧電視或將取代智慧音箱 結合AI人工智慧與語音助理,今年在CES看見許多新應用產品,例如:三星及樂金分別發 表AI電視並導入OLED或超高清電視。而且,他們導入先進AI影像處理器,似乎就是要與其 他電視業者的市場區隔。 三星搶先推出搭載AI的電視。同時也整合其語音助理Bixby,讓使用者可以直接聲控。所 謂AI電視,主要是透過OLE ...

科技業最強女力 這5人撐起矽谷半邊天

Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2018-03-09T08:41
國際三八婦女節之際,《騰訊網》引述據國外媒體報導,長期以來男性一直在科技領域佔 據絕對主導地位,但近年來愈多女性在這領域嶄露頭角,逐漸打破天花板,國外媒體針對 5位科技領域的知名女性創業者、現任高階主管進行盤點。 第1,Sheryl Sandberg、職位:Facebook營運長、年齡:48歲、淨資產:16.1億美元 Sheryl Sandberg 在1969年出生於華盛頓猶太家庭,自幼 ...


Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2018-03-09T07:23
※ [本文轉錄自 Miaoli 看板 #1QeLF0JJ ] 作者: herbalcandy (潤喉糖) 看板: Miaoli 標題: [閒聊] 晶元光電竹南廠關線 時間: Thu Mar 8 23:16:14 2018 嗨,大家,手機排版請見諒 有人能幫轉salary,tech_job嗎? 昨天晶電竹南廠宣佈四月後晶粒產線關閉 做藍光晶粒的只剩中、南廠 聽說還在說明會上特別強調「 ...

「像聽話的奴隸」 前工程師淚訴:不會再當科技人

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2018-03-09T01:12 2018-03-08 17:04聯合新聞網 綜合報導 曾是令人稱羨、頂著光環的科技人,一名網友在遭到公司惡意資遣後開始省思自己進入科 技業的初衷,回溯成為工程師的熱忱是如何被一點一滴的磨滅掉,並感嘆:以後,我應該 不會再是科技人了。 批踢踢上一名網友在去年遭到公司資遣,他表示自己去年遭任職的科技公司資遣,理由卻 ...