Full professorship, University of Oulu - 海外工作

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2014-03-07T12:47

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Full professorship in human-centred development of IT, University of Oulu

The University of Oulu has opening for one faculty position at the level
of Full Professor of Information Systems. The field of the position has
been specified as human-centred development and utilization. The position
is located at the Department of Information Processing Science, Faculty
of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering. Altogether, there
are 10 professors at the Department, in the fields of information systems
and software engineering. In addition, there are 12 lecturer positions,
13 post-doctoral positions, 5 teachers, and 25 doctoral student
positions. Other permanent staff consists of 12 researchers and 2 persons
in student counseling activities.

The two main research groups of the department working in this area are
INTERACT (prof. Kari Kuutti & Netta Iivari) and OASIS (prof. Harri
Oinas-Kukkonen). The INTERACT (Human Interaction with Advanced Mobile
Services and Intelligent Environments) research group focuses on
understanding and supporting participatory design and user-centered
design with technology in divergent everyday life contexts
(http://www.oulu.fi/tol/node/20094 ); the OASIS (Oulu Advanced Research
on Software and Information Systems) research group focuses on
understanding technology-mediated human attitude and/or behavior change,
developing methods and strategies for persuasive systems design, and
envisioning for the next generation of the web (http://www.oasis.oulu.fi/
). In the international RAE evaluation 2013 IS research of the department
was evaluated as “Excellent” (5/6).

More information about the position and application:

The deadline for applications is March 24, 2014.

For further information please contact:

Professor Markku Oivo, Head of the Department, email: [email protected]

Professor Harri Oinas-Kukkonen, Chairman of the Search Committee, email:
[email protected]

Laila Kuhalampi, Chief Administrator, email: [email protected]


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