FXall Developer – Lead Admin Web Application Developer - 海外工作

Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2011-08-26T11:48

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朋友的公司在徵人 純代po

工作地點在 New York City (manhattan)


http://ppt.cc/NT!N (請見網頁 會比較清楚!)



Mr.Hsu [email protected]

FXall Developer – Lead Admin Web Application Developer


Design and implement new pages in the Admin Web application which are being driven by major new Trading Application initiatives.
Ongoing support and enhancement to the existing Admin Web application to accommodate client requests in a responsive manner.
Collaborate with product managers and clients to implement new features that improve UI useability.
Manage one developer, assigning tasks and schedule.
Collaborate with DBAs on design of Admin-related database tables and procedures and queries.
Deliver software projects on-time, on-scope and on-budget.


Bachelor's degree in computer science, information systems, engineering or other related degree
5+ years software engineering experience
3+ years designing and implementing Web-based applications

Required Skills:

Business / Product

User permissioning application experience preferred
Financial industry experience preferred

Software development

Strong HTML, DOM, Javascript experience
Experience with Apache Tomcat required
Strong Java JDBC SQL programming experience required
Tapestry experience is highly preferred, as the existing site requires it.
JSP and Struts experience is a plus
AJAX experience is a plus
User Interface design experience is a plus


Demonstrated ability to work in a small group setting to rapidly develop new products.
Demonstrated ability to quickly and accurately translate user requirements from traders into technical deliverables w/minimal oversight from product managers and limited documentation of business requirements and functional specifications.


Build/process management: Maven, CruiseControl, Subversion, Kovair (or equivalent products)
Internet application development: firewalls, proxies, security


Strong verbal and written communication skills
Excellent problem solving skills
Client-focused – ability to connect and partner with technology colleagues at FXall’s partner banks
Team player – willing and able to drive collaborative efforts across the organization to improve product quality, reduce expense and increase productivity
Ability and interest in working in a dynamic, focused, energetic and rapidly evolving company

Experience with the following a plus:

Agile / rapid application development methodologies
Testing tools: Mercury QualityCenter, LoadRunner, Quicktest Pro


All Comments

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