get together, folks - 海外工作

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2007-06-21T05:28

Table of Contents

※ 引述《[email protected] (your heart desires)》之銘言:
: Hi,
: I kind of want to organize a get-together for those who
: have been sharing your perspectives on this board, since it's created.
: It will be a great opportunity for networking, exchanging information, and
: getting away from your busy life for one day.
: It will be mainly for Taiwanese folks working in Northern California.
: As time, I am aiming for the Independence Day. Or you want to suggest
: other time, it's Okay, too.
: If interested, please raise your hand... No, I cannot see your hand,
: email me at [email protected]. Thanks.
: ---
: If this post is inappropriate, please delete it, Board Manager.
: ---

Let me setup a template for now, please beef it up if you like.

Name Place of Residence Occupation MSN or any Hobby
smallhan San Jose, CA ENGR, EE Mail me Bike


All Comments


Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2007-06-21T03:28
※ 引述《cameo ()》之銘言: : 大家好~ : 我現在在NY唸書 : 這個暑假用CPT的身分做summer internship : 在這種情況下 可以申請SSN嗎? : 如果是給薪的工作 一定� ...


Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2007-06-20T23:48
大家好~ 我現在在NY唸書 這個暑假用CPT的身分做summer internship 在這種情況下 可以申請SSN嗎? 如果是給薪的工作 一定需要SSN才能領錢嗎? 我老闆不懂�� ...

Re: 來問個直接一點的問題吧...美術系相關工作

William avatar
By William
at 2007-06-19T08:01
我不知道您想作怎樣的設計工作 就我所知申請h1b簽證必須是and#34;專業人員and#34; 例如工程師,會計師,老師..等等有明確規範專業的職業 and#34;畫家and#3 ...


Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2007-06-18T15:11
※ 引述《kiki28 (小魔女)》之銘言: : 英國新的 HSMP 採積分方式審核,總分達75分以上才會通過 : MBA學歷 : 認定的世界前 50 名的 MBA 學歷 直接加分至 75分 ...


Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2007-06-18T10:19
雖然可能板上沒有相關人士 但還是問一下 有沒有人知道在北美美術系相關的職業 以後畢業想申請opt 目前知道一些管道 還有學校有人可以幫忙安排 ...