get together, folks - 海外工作

Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2007-06-23T12:37

Table of Contents

※ 引述《[email protected] (your heart desires)》之銘言:
: This is great! Most of people have hobbies in sports. Maybe we should organize
: a sport team besides work.
: : anchoretic San JOse,CA Finance,IT mail classical,badminton
組壘球隊啦sc大大 :D


All Comments

Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2007-06-25T15:48
推啊,前兩天才跟Eric去batting cage :D
Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2007-06-28T13:27
插個話 我覺得monster討論串也可以m起來了 XD
Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2007-06-30T02:48
那各m 是我拿來當作整理到這篇文章 flag :D

get together, folks

Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2007-06-23T11:12
※ 引述《 (not at all)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《Alixia (city by the bay)》之銘言: : Name Place of Residence Occupation MSN or any Hobby: : smallhan San Jose ...


Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2007-06-22T07:42
不知道大家有沒有被recruiter介紹工作的經驗呢 聽說事成之後 他們會向公司抽成!? 因為有個recruiter找上門 好奇想問一下 --

get together, folks

Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2007-06-22T05:54
: Name Place of Residence Occupation MSN or any Hobby: : smallhan San Jose, CA ENGR, EE Mail me Bike : shc Santa Rosa, CA Health Field Skype me PPT3 : cyccha ...

get together, folks

Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2007-06-22T03:13
※ 引述《obov (我十年前是美少年)》之銘言: ※ 引述《ccchen (作業作業作業.....)》之銘言: ※ 引述《cycchang (cycchang)》之銘言: y ※ 引述《 ...

get together, folks

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2007-06-21T14:15
※ 引述《ccchen (作業作業作業.....)》之銘言: ※ 引述《cycchang (cycchang)》之銘言: y ※ 引述《 (your heart desires)》之銘言: : : Let me setup a templ ...