get together, folks - 海外工作

Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2007-07-02T02:50

Table of Contents

※ 引述《gasper (志在沖天)》之銘言:
Name Place of Residence Occupation MSN or any Hobby:

smallhan San Jose, CA ENGR, EE Mail me Bike
shc Santa Rosa, CA Health Field Skype me PPT3
cycchang Monterey, CA teacher mail me work out
ccchen Santa Clara, CA Engr, EE basketball
obov San Jose, CA Engr, EE mail me @++++@"
Chen Sunnyvale, CA Software Eng
Stanley Buffalo, NY MBA in ACC mail me b-ball
ihlin San Jose, CA ENGR, EE Mail me none
willieliao Washington, DC Engr, CS mail me golf, hold'em
alixia San Jose, CA Engr, IT mail me concerst, wine
foil Fremont, CA Technologist mail me Classicals, Wine
ccic Santa Clara, CA Engr mail me basketball
archerdino San Francisco,CA Programmer mail me basketball
Joyce San Francisco, CA MBA in MKT mail me Dance
shaopin San Jose, CA Embedded sys mail me basketball
yohowo Sunnyvale, CA ENGR, EE performing art
HornyJazz San Francisco, CA Job hunting/PM mail Bball
gpsOne San Diego, CA ENGR, EE mail me reading, basketball
gasper Santa Clara, CA ENGR, EE mail me Basketball
mai Fremont, CA Designer toys'n games, food
Eva San Francisco Media training mail me shopping
Derek Sunnyvale, CA ENGR, EE mail me snowboarding, music



All Comments

get together, folks

Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2007-06-30T16:29
※ 引述《shaopin (賓哥哥)》之銘言: ※ 引述《gasper (志在沖天)》之銘言: Name Place of Residence Occupation MSN or any Hobby: smallhan San Jose, CA ENGR, E ...


Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2007-06-30T14:47
有東西賣到國外去..要怎麼找到國外拍賣的賣家代理人呢 寫信詢問.他們都不回呀 怎會這樣???????????????????? 有什麼國外拍賣線上即時溝通的軟體嗎 謝謝 ...


Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2007-06-30T10:07
我的作法是... 跟老師講好 我要趕八月那梯畢業... 所以五月參加畢業典禮 然後論文壓著... 出去玩了一個月... 六月底七月初把論文送出去... 然後告別老 ...


Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2007-06-30T02:30
香港回歸十年有了全新的氣象 幾個朋友在香港也對景氣讚不絕口(他們是香港本地人) 基本薪資是比台灣好, 但是消費也不低 語言的差異和香港人的工作� ...


Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2007-06-29T21:04
如果我沒搞錯的話 即使六月初畢業可以拖到八月初OPT再生效 做完一年,你還有兩個月的grace period可以拖到十月初 換句話說,六月畢業的根本不會�� ...