IMC精英人力(代徵)美商世坤研究 - 工程師

Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2015-03-23T15:08

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※ [本文轉錄自 job 看板 #1L3xlTCc ]

作者: imcted (IMC Ted) 看板: job
標題: [台北] IMC精英人力(代徵)美商世坤研究
時間: Mon Mar 23 15:08:10 2015





Quant Researcher


Our research subsidiary in Taipei is seeking mathematics, computer science, physics and engineering majors for quantitative researcher position involving the creation of computer-based models that seek to predict the movements of worldwide financial markets. Candidates need not have prior knowledge of financial markets, but must have a strong interest in learning about stock markets and financial markets. Our highly accomplished senior staff will provide the new hires with mentoring and guidance to help
them succeed.

We offer outstanding career opportunities, which include:
- Competitive financial rewards, relative to performance and position
- Friendly and collegial working environment
- Opportunity for promotion to Vice President in 2 to 4 years
- Rare opportunity to learn from investment experts


- Ph.D. or M.S. degree from a leading Taiwan, (or from other leading universities in the world) US university and B.S. degree from the top university in Taiwan, US, (or from other leading universities in the world) in a highly analytical field, such as Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Electrical Engineering, Financial Engineering or any other related field that is highly analytical and quantitative
- Ranked as top 30% in class for Bachelor's degree (from NTU)
- Have a research scientist mind-set, i.e., be a deep thinker, creative, persevering, smart, a self-starter, etc.
- Be competent in a programming language (C++ or C)
- Possess good English language skills
- Have a strong interest in learning about worldwide financial markets
- Have a strong work ethic












Ted Chiu
[email protected]


Please email your CV and Bachelor's degree transcript (incl. GPA and/or class ranking) to the above email address. Thanks


All Comments


Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2015-03-23T12:42
※ 開頭項目均需完整且詳盡填寫,酬勞嚴禁來信報價。 ◎案 主 資 料:   真實姓名:kobe yu 備 註: ※聯絡方式與對象:站內信 ※徵 求 ...


Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2015-03-23T10:48
想請問大家 這間公司的風評 最近收到 製程工程師的職缺 自己有稍微 google一下 科技業多超時加班 勞委會去年推動掃A專案期間,一度遭科技大老向總� ...


Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2015-03-23T00:31
我親戚是台灣做網球拍很有名的廠商 家族也賺了很多錢 大概二十年前就跑去中國做了 後來在越南柬埔寨等生意都做得很大 剛好過年他們家人有回來 � ...


Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2015-03-23T00:25
最近因為跟事業部的最大主管對嗆,我的直屬經理跟我說今年我可能不會太好過 所以最近開始積極面試,故事是這樣的: 星期五我去內湖一間 xx 電子 ...


Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2015-03-23T00:11
※ 引述《MeiHS (囧)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《PIBO (Pibo)》之銘言: : : 想請問一下~台灣pcb產業真的無法生存了嗎? : : 台灣有外商是在做載版的嗎? : http:// ...