internship or RA at Rice university - 美國

Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2015-04-26T04:16

Table of Contents

支持working visa, 希望7月或7月前可以到職

Two student intern / technician positions available at the Zhong lab at Rice
University. These positions will be for six months with possibility of
renewal afterwords. Salary is $1500/month for student interns and
commensurate with experience for technicians.

The students will participate in one or more of the following projects: 1) C.
elegans anti-viral gene networks. We will use an RNAi screen to find genes
that change the animal resistance to viral infections. 2) C. elegans cancer
gene screen. We will use an RNAi screen to find genes that can suppress or
enhance the function of brc-1 (worm homolog of the human breast cancer gene
brca1). 3) Movement disorder genes. We will study mutant locomotive behaviors
and electrophysiology in Drosophila and C. elegans to find genes that are
involved in movement disorders. 4) Computational biology. We will build a
bioinformatic database to predict genetic interaction networks. We will also
analyze the behavioral and electrophysiological data collected from project 3.

Requirements: Attention to details, good organization skills, efficient time
management, effective communication skills. Projects 1-3 require good
experimental skills, previous research experience in C. elegans or Drosophila
is preferred but not required. Projects 4 requires strong computational
skills such as Java programming, MySQL management and query, MatLab scripts.
For the intern positions, the students must be at least seniors.

To apply: Please email [email protected] your CV, a copy of transcript
(an unofficial one is ok), and indicate which projects you are interested in.
The deadline for application is April 29th. Earlier application is strongly

Tags: 美國

All Comments

Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2015-04-27T05:29
想去 但我念機械 = =
Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2015-04-27T16:52
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2015-05-01T00:04
Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2015-05-04T11:13
我老闆就是要從台灣找人啊XD 非學生當然可以


Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2015-04-25T17:56
我是原PO孩奴.. 討論串走到這邊好像有點誤會..您好像把很多其他人的想法都套到我頭上來.. 不過您的經驗很有價值值得參考. ※ 引述《OverseaJob (Oversea ...

[請益]美國FAE 工作內容

Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2015-04-25T15:48
各位大大好 魯妹當RD 將近10年 (老魯妹了XD) 最近公司有新目標。預計明後年到矽谷成立新公司 雖然不確定新公司一定成功 但想先請問各位大大 公司� ...


Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2015-04-24T14:40
這位孩奴大大你好,因為個人成長有相關經驗,不妨給你參考~ 我小五小六在新加坡上學,純公立小學,分級後是在EM2,校風不錯 之後中學回台灣念�� ...

Social Security & Medicare vs HSA/FSA

Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2015-04-23T12:45
※ 引述《cchris (cruising Panama Canal)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《CuO3》之銘言: : : 遇到了一個問題 請板上大大指正 感謝 : : (我的身分應該是Resident Alien,在美 ...

有沒有在美國工作的IC DESIGNER?

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2015-04-23T01:36
大家好! 小弟研究所是走IC設計相關 想請問有沒有板友是在美國從事IC設計業? 有沒有那邊的工作環境和經驗可以跟小弟分享的? 感激不境! --