iPhone 11 series fuels TSMC sales - 工程師

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2019-10-18T09:22

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Highlights of the day: iPhone 11 series fuels TSMC sales

DIGITIMES staff Tuesday 15 October 2019 0 Toggle Dropdown

Strong demand from the 5G sector is apparently not the only factor driving TSM
C's sales growth. The foundry house is gaining growth momentum from better-tha
n-expected sales of Apple's iPhone 11 series for fourth-quarter 2019, and firs
t-quarter 2020. But the semiconductor industry is definitely relying on 5G app
lications to fuel its next wave of growth. And smartphone vendors are rushing
to release 5G devices to gain a head start in the market, with Chinese brands
Oppo and Vivo said to be rolling out their 5G phones ahead of schedule.

TSMC sales outlook brightens: Sales of the iPhone 11 series have been better-t
han-expected, brightening the outlook for TSMC's sales performance in the foll
owing quarters, according to market observers.

Taiwan chipmaking industry gearing up for next stage growth: Taiwan's chipmaki
ng industry, led by TSMC, is gearing up to enter its next stage of growth as c
hip demand for 5G applications is set to start ramping up substantially next y
ear, according to industry observers.

Oppo, Vivo to roll out 5G phones ahead of schedule: China-based handset vendor
s Oppo and Vivo both are reportedly accelerating the developments of 5G smartp
hones and are expected to roll out their respective 5G phones at the end of 20
19 or in early 2020, which will be about 2-3 months ahead of schedule, accordi
ng to sources from Taiwan's IC supply chain.


1.半導體行業要再成長 只能靠5G

2.沒想到IPHONE 11 銷量這麼好 看來台積電還能再爽好幾個季度

3.中國手機廠商 OPPO VIVO 在這幾個月 很有可能推出5G手機 呼應第一點(這個八卦來
自於台灣IC supply chain)


All Comments

Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2019-10-21T23:21
Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2019-10-26T13:51
Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2019-10-28T21:17
Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2019-10-31T20:16
Oppo vivo不是很有可能,是一定會出,不然你以為發哥的
5g soc還能賣給誰= =

台電(現職) vs 業界(工程顧問、科技業)

Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2019-10-18T07:58
昨天想了一下,忘了說個好去處,那就是高雄王黃金聖衣中鋼公司,最適合你這個嫌錢少 又靠北工時長的,雖然中鋼工程師要輪三班,但是工時絕對8小時不加班,每個月領產銷 加津貼一定破5萬,待三年年薪就破百了,放心你工作內容不是打雜的,而且你中字輩電 碩符合中鋼師級的用人標準,快準備明年中鋼考試吧 - ...

公司近況- 晶元光電和金像電子

Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2019-10-18T02:53
各位年薪三百萬大大好 本身學歷較普通只有4中碩化學所畢業 最近接到這2間公司的面試通知 晶元光電-前段製程(竹科) 金像電子-材料工程師/助理工程師(中壢) 目前看到的資訊是 晶元的LED這產業目前不優 金像是薪水不高但比較像是在做公務員(? 幾個朋友是建議我這兩間的面試,最好考慮清楚 因為還是想要 ...

竹科租屋 哪區是首選?

Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2019-10-18T00:57
公司在研新四路上 機車代步 預算:7000以下 套房 綜合考量 機能性與距離.塞車.上班可能已被操翻.... 1.寶山路.高翠路 2.新竹火車站市區 3.食品路.學府路 4.金山街 5.長春街.新莊街.關心路 6.清大.交大正門光復路 .... 是你會租哪一區? 哪區CP值最高? - ...

台電(現職) vs 業界(工程顧問、科技業)

Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2019-10-17T22:39
個人覺得 國營事業最好是住家裡 如果更好是不需要買房,不然一個月只有4xK 扣完勞健保、餐費、福利金(如果有),真的剩沒多少; 如果想租好一點的套房, 一個月你大概只能存30k,是要怎麼買車、買房? 所以照你的情況,雖然有宿舍可以住,不過住宿舍不是長久之計,所以建議你考 回家裡附近的,然後住家裡! 住 ...


Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2019-10-17T22:27
請問各位前輩 這兩間部門都是研發單位,該如何抉擇呢? 以長遠來看哪間會較穩定呢? - ...