IT Architect—RISE, MPIWG, Berlin - 工程師

Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2019-07-25T15:09

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※ [本文轉錄自 Oversea_Job 看板 #1TEJcBBk ]

作者: eow (....) 看板: Oversea_Job
標題: [歐洲] IT Architect—RISE, MPIWG, Berlin
時間: Thu Jul 25 13:09:27 2019

Our team is looking for an IT Architect for our RISE project, and we hope to
find someone who knows Chinese aside from being a software architect! Please
help disseminate! Please see details in the web page below.

IT Architect (full time, up to TVöD E14), at Max Planck Institute for the
History of Science, Berlin, Germany.

The position will be for one year, with possibility of extension(s). Starting
date: as soon as possible, but no later than January 1, 2020.

Part of the digital humanities team in Dept. III, the successful candidate
will work as the IT Architect for the Research Infrastructure for the Study
of Eurasia (RISE). RISE is a digital research infrastructure that facilitates
the seamless, secure linkage among digital research tools and textual
collections via APIs. It has a loosely coupled software architecture, built
with technologies like Javascript, Ruby on Rails, and PostgreSQL. The
successful candidate will be expected to maintain, enhance, and continue to
design and develop RISE and its associated technical products. In addition,
s/he will be expected to communicate the work to both technical and
non-technical audiences, especially to historians and digital humanities
scholars. S/he will also be expected to network with other developers,
present at conferences and events, and work collaboratively with other
researchers and developers both within and outside the Institute. The
successful candidate will work closely with Dr. Shih-Pei Chen and Sean Wang.
The working language is English.
Please see full details including requirements at
Application deadline: September 01, 2019


All Comments

Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2019-07-30T08:37
Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2019-08-03T03:29
Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2019-08-04T10:47

皮卡 VS 現職

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2019-07-25T13:23
公司名稱: 皮卡 智X旗下子公司(現職) 公司規模: 大大大 小 (人數才約6.70位) 職稱 : 軟體工程師 軟體工程師 工作內容: 1. 差不多,看起來都是寫C,也都是網通相關 ...

請問有沒有build school的八卦?

Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2019-07-25T11:46
各位大大你們好~ 小弟最近一直在想換工作 目前的工作跟以前在學校所學的 都跟軟體工程師沾不到邊 最近看fb看到有關於繳學費培訓的課程 上完課還保就業 不曉得這個可信度高嗎? 是說學費總共89000 要先繳21000之後培訓完 直接進公司上班後 每個月在償還4000元即可 小弟擔心被詐騙 但又真的想換工作 能不 ...


Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2019-07-25T11:43
我幫PO一下 有感而發 我覺得所有有關設備or製程工程師的職業生涯,都會遇到一些問題 2012年時還在GG當設備時,就有思考過這問題,我做三年或五年跟那些剛進來訓練3~6個 月就要值班的新人,差別在哪? 1.我解issue稍微快一點 2.比較快可以知道問題可能出在哪 其他真的沒了 新的工程師近來訓練半 ...


Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2019-07-25T10:32
【台灣正在改變,你!就是關鍵】 108年【科技部海外人才橋接方案(LIFT2.0)】第二梯次徵件正式啟動~ 為一個臺灣產學研機構與海外高階人才媒合平台,邀請海外博士級或國外碩士學位且具3 年AI相關國外工作經驗者回台!!! 積極促成海外學人與國內產學研機構進行線上/線下媒合,並提供返國學人來回經濟艙機 票 ...


Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2019-07-25T09:59
話說 真的很多年輕人工作前都抱持這這樣的心態-阿不就修修機台而已 記得上上禮拜本魯在肯德基用電腦,旁邊有兩個高中生在聊天,聊到科技 業的東西,其中一個就說:聽我爸說,台積電每個工程師都年薪破兩百萬, 而且其實只要看看機台,修修機台,股價破200甚麼的.... 另一個同學就被他唬得一愣一愣的,就覺得台積 ...