Java Back End Developer - 工程師

Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2017-08-10T21:13

Table of Contents

Cloud Interactive

Java Back End Developer 網路系統開發工程師

- Build and test server side applications
- Design and develop APIs
- Prepare development documents
- Collaborate with a team to define, design, and ship new features
- Ensure the performance, quality, and responsiveness of applications
- Build reusable code and libraries for future use
- Implement security and data protection

- Familiarity with Database creation, integration, and management
- Proficient knowledge of a back-end programming language, such as PHP,
Python, Ruby and NodeJS. PHP is preferred.
- Experience with APIs design and development
- Experience with Data migration, transformation, and scripting
- Experience with User authentication and authorization between multiple
systems, servers, and environments.
- Understanding of git workflows via the command line.Merging, rebasing,
blame, etc.
- Experience with testing code
- Complete domination of command line tools such as git, bash, zsh, Artisan


【工作時間】週一--週五 9:00--18:00


Monthly package: 60K-80K x 13 months


Send your resume to Judy Yu
[email protected]


All Comments

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2017-08-13T07:49
Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2017-08-14T10:45
Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2017-08-19T07:07
徵求條件是甚麼 標題是甚麼 在混阿
Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2017-08-23T18:10
Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2017-08-25T00:55
Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2017-08-27T13:38
life's a struggle 日子還要過
Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2017-08-30T06:26


Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2017-08-10T20:21
有名的MNRPSm 這些都是高手進的 那學歷不上不下又不強的碩士 軟韌體公司都從哪間開始進啊? - ...


Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2017-08-10T20:03
本人暫時是個離就職還很遠的學生。 不過有點好奇,台GG幾奈米製程的進化究竟是屬於哪個領域的研究範圍? 如果想要參與這類的研究,大學應該要讀哪種科系? 最近又聽說原子儲存資訊什麼鬼的,這又是哪個領域的範圍?台G有發展這類東西嗎? - ...

wordpress 專案外包

Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2017-08-10T19:51
已有數位版友來應聘正在評估中 , 感謝來信 ~ ◎公司徵才: 公司名稱:達陞企業股份有限公司    公司統編:42708273    公司地址:新北市汐止 ...

林百里批年輕人太easy 不了解「使命必達

Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2017-08-10T19:34
林百里批年輕人太easy 不了解「使命必達」 蘋果日報 畢業季對年輕人的建議?對此廣達董事長林百里表示,回想1972年跟副董事長梁次震一起 創業,那時候是腳踏時地,不眠不休、努力前進、使命必達,哪像現在還一例一休? 林百里表示,現在年輕人太過EAS ...


Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2017-08-10T18:48
最近小妹朋友拿到鴻海offer 但沒有發文權限!所以代為發文 但她原本以為會是資深工程師.... 但offer上卻寫資深專員 想請問各位~ 資深工程師與資深專員的差別是什麼啊?? (PS. 是PM職但上面也不是寫PM) 謝謝囉~~ - ...