Jboss/Java opening with an investment firm in Singapore - 面試

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2011-05-11T20:28

Table of Contents

閱讀版規後沒有發現想張貼的內容和條文有衝突, 如有不合版規請
幫忙移除. Thanks.

前一陣找工作時的job agent發了一封徵人的信件, 據瞭解應該有
process visa.

BTW, 只是剛好有收到信件, 本身與該job agent沒有關聯, 實際情
況投遞履歷的求職者請自行判斷, 比方說, 薪資談判, 面試過程,
etc. 有疑問請直接連絡job agent.

Job Specification如底下:

Technical Requirements:
Java Software Development
jBoss configuration and Administration
jBoss 5.1 source code development is desirable
Java and Object-Oriented Software Development
Web Logic and Apache skills are a plus
Scripting (Perl, Bash, Ksh) are essential
UNIX/Linux skills are essential

2+ years of Java Software Development
1+ year of jBoss configuration
1+ years for perl and/or shell scripting
2+ years of unix/linux experience
Experience in jBoss 5.1 source code would be preferable but not required
Demonstrated ability to work with Java and Object-Oriented Software Development
Experience with Advanced Java topics such as multi-threading, garbage
collection internals and memory debugging

Strong Communication Skills
Strong Team Player
Experience working across all levels of an organization that is global in nature

Josy Thomas - josy at rensol dot com


All Comments

Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2011-05-14T08:01

想問 好申請綠卡的領域

Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2011-05-11T02:09
哈,看到W大的分享,我也來說說西岸這邊好了。。。 我在舊金山這邊的事務所也工作了好幾年,比起東岸,我感覺到這邊更不太有歧視問題 還記得很�� ...

拿到offer letter以後多久要回覆?

Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2011-05-07T10:05
小妹我有榮幸拿到某間公司的offer 今天晚上(星期五)剛收到offer letter 目前還有另一間更想去的公司等著星期一面試 請問offer letter可以等到星期一晚上 ...


Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2011-05-04T14:55
偉麗管理公司代徵 如果對該公司有興趣請把履歷mail至: s25626860athotmail.com 許先生 HP:www.glovalex.net 勤務時間:09:00-18:00 休憩時間:12:30-13:30 ...


Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2011-05-03T10:38
之前在版上詢問ABD在大學任教身份的問題 謝謝大家熱心的解答,現在該是回報的時候了 以下分享我的求職經驗過程 身份背景: F1/ABD/教育類:literacy ...


Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2011-05-02T06:06
小弟我在東岸也被燒到了 苦惱的是我才剛跳槽到一間公司兩個月 薪水職稱都有一定的提升 昨天收到CA一間公司來信問我有沒有興趣 HR說他知道我可能�� ...