Job Opening @ BRCM - 海外工作

Una avatar
By Una
at 2011-11-15T17:37

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代轉 台灣交大學長要徵人

Gong-San Yu
[email protected]

不用特別說我 因為這樣不會增加面試機會 XDXD

There is an opening in my group. If you know any one who may be interested, please pass this job description them. Thanks,


Broadcomis the market leader in highly integrated xDSL CPE products. In this position,you will be working with a multi-disciplined team to develop chips for xDSLmodem. Responsibilities include ASIC specification, RTL design, verification,and modem firmware development.

- MSEE or PhD EE and 6+ years of relevant experience

-3+ years experience developing, implementing, and testing communications andDSP algorithms targeted for ASIC implementation.

-3+ years experience in Verilog/VHDL and micro-architecture, and have experiencein Perl and RTL verification.
- Strong C programming skills, extensive experience in embedded software andreal time OS is required
- Knowledge in digital communication theory, implementation and related workexperience a plus
- Must possess excellent communication as well as engineering problem solvingskills
- Self-motivated and comfortable working independently as well as be part of ateam
- Comfortable working with customers


All Comments

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2011-11-16T13:02
Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2011-11-20T20:39
Where is the location for this job?


George avatar
By George
at 2011-11-14T15:25
之前有在電視看到澳門賭場在台徵人 想問 這纇的到海外工作的訊息 例如香港澳門亞洲地區 台灣有類似的機構 或是接洽的窗口嗎? 因為想趁年輕去外面� ...

H1B posting?

Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2011-11-14T11:39
最近找到工作 公司願意幫我辦理H1B簽證 公司要我公告在我的住家公佈欄之類的十天 他們也會在公司HR公告 想問一下各位前輩這步驟是要做什麼的呢? � ...

toshiba 全球招募

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2011-11-13T08:01
無意間在104網站上看到TOSHIBA 全球招募, 非常有興趣, 但板上提到的資訊非常少, 有人友參加過的經驗嗎? --


Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2011-11-12T04:43
嗨 小弟目前即將畢業 所以有非常多interview在同時進行當中 目前手邊剛拿到一個還不錯的offer 狀況就是 HR限期我兩個禮拜要決定接受與否 但問題是�� ...


Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2011-11-11T16:07
※ 引述《iamelfin ()》之銘言: : 各位前輩好,我是個二十四歲的女生。 : 明天很幸運的有個面試機會,職缺是某科技大廠的東南亞外派業務。 : 想請教�� ...