Job Openings- Palo Alto, CA (CS) - 海外工作

Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2011-06-01T18:33

Table of Contents

公司地點在Palo Alto,

有兩種job openings,
前端工程師(Front-End Engineer)和後台工程師(Back-End Engineer),
希望為具有CS/EE背景,BS, MS, PhD不限,為全職position


我是代po,有興趣的人請email到: [email protected]

Lead Front-End Engineer
Do you stay up late at night coding on the projects you love? Are you
passionate about creating beautifully engaging game experiences? Do you think
that there are huge problems with how kids learn today and want to fix them?
If you have technical chops, join us now while it's early and change your
life forever.

Palo Alto, CA - at the heart of Silicon Valley (Telecommuting is possible too)

The skills we are looking for:

You are an iOS guru:
You'll be on our Delta Force technical squad, coding and creating awesome
games for kids that help them to learn tons of skills at the same time.
You'll be working very closely with the rest of the team and be chiefly
responsible for the front-end of our games, which will be on iOS first -
iPhone and iPad.

Proficiency in Objective-C and with the iOS SDK for creating iOS games is
required. You will be one of the chief creators of the kid-facing sections of
our games, so we're looking for somebody who is able to write beautiful,
solid code.

We would love it if you have:
* A track record in iOS development, with games/apps in the App Store.
* Good design sense and a feel for user experience and interface
* Academic training in computer science (BS, MS, or PhD level)
* Experience in working in small and agile startup teams

Here's what your responsibilities will be:
* Help to create and implement the architecture and code for amazing games
that millions of young kids will be obsessed with.
* Help manage our technical teams, direction, and architecture as we grow and
* As you'll be a very early employee with us, you'll get to wear many
different hats and be surrounded by ground zero of an exciting startup.

Compensation includes salary and equity. We're a young startup and you'll
have to fit in with the startup culture: longer hours, fulfilling work, and
huge rewards – mentally, spiritually, and financially.

Lead Back-End Engineer
Do you stay up late at night coding on the projects you love? Are you
passionate about creating beautifully engaging game experiences? Do you think
that there are huge problems with how kids learn today and want to fix them?
If you have technical chops, join us now while it's early and change your
life forever.

Palo Alto, CA - at the heart of Silicon Valley (Telecommuting is possible too)

The skills we are looking for:

You are a back-end, server-side code guru:
You'll be on our Delta Force technical squad, coding and creating awesome
games for kids that help them to learn tons of skills at the same time.
You'll be working very closely with the rest of the team, chiefly responsible
for writing the server-side code for our games, which will be on iOS first -
iPhone and iPad.

You should love games and have a passion for solving scalability challenges
of super popular games.

We would love it if you have:
* A track record in iOS development, with games/apps in the App Store.
* Good design sense and a feel for user experience and interface
* Academic training in computer science (BS, MS, or PhD level)
* Experience in working in small and agile startup teams

Here's what your responsibilities will be:
* Help to create and implement the back-end, server-side architecture and
code for amazing games that millions of young kids will be obsessed with.
* Conquer scalability challenges of games for very large audiences
* Build data-collection and analytics tools for our games
* Help manage our technical teams, direction, and architecture as we grow and
* As you'll be a very early employee with us, you'll get to wear many
different hats and be surrounded by ground zero of an exciting startup.

Compensation includes salary and equity. We're a young startup and you'll
have to fit in with the startup culture: longer hours, fulfilling work, and
huge rewards – mentally, spiritually, and financially.

About Us
Airy Labs was founded in 2011 by Andrew Hsu ( and a team of
Silicon Valley veterans as advisors. We are creating the next generation of
social learning games for kids. We build iOS games on mobile and tablet,
social games for the browser, and casual massively multiplayer online games
(MMOs), all with educational missions that will teach kids both school
courses and real life skills that they need to be successful in their lives.
We're backed by top-tier angel and venture capital investors and located in
Palo Alto, CA.

You'll be working with and around some of the best people in the world, at an
exciting early-stage startup company with potential for explosive growth and
great financial reward. We're going to change the world, and if you are
passionate about games and about changing how our kids are educated today, we
have a major role for you here.


All Comments

Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2011-06-02T09:53
Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2011-06-02T16:00


Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2011-06-01T11:58
請問板上有沒有前輩是在斐濟工作過的呢? 有朋友介紹斐濟的工作 大概查過斐濟當地的資料 但想要了解實際情形 麻煩有經驗的人可以分享 謝謝:� ...


Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2011-06-01T05:16
我在3月底時寄出OPT申請,4/1收到收據 現在已經要6/1了,但是在USCIS網站上追蹤狀態,始終都是Initial review 請問有人跟我差不多時間申請的嗎? 你們的狀�� ...

海外投資板 成立了

Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2011-05-31T21:14
※ [本文轉錄自 Fund 看板 #1Du_nhH1 ] 作者: akira911 (ビギナー Beginner) 看板: Fund 標題: [心得] 海外投資板 成立了 時間: Tue May 31 04:21:59 2011 只看到新聞這選�� ...


Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2011-05-30T20:18
小弟想問一下 有關於 蘋果公司的彈性工作值場, 包括兼職工作、彈性工作時 間、壓縮美洲工作時間、工 作分享、電子通勤與其他在 家工作的安�� ...

Job openning for NCG (MSEE/CS/CE)

Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2011-05-27T02:26
hi 所有寄給我的resume我都轉寄給我老闆了 他說他會先打電話(不過我不確定是不是每個都打) 大概能準備的就跟job description 上面寫的差不多 verilog RTL C++ F ...