Kono 美商知識能 iOS, Machine Learning Engineer - 工程師

Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2015-02-06T12:51

Table of Contents

Kono 美商知識能股份公司

Xinyi Dist., Taipei City

1. Software Engineer, iOS engineer

Here are what you'll help us accomplish:
a. Design and implement new user-facing features in Kono’s products.
b. Collaborate with designers to create innovative user experiences.
c. Develop prototypes quickly to validate interactions and prove product
d. Integrating iOS apps with back-end and third party web services with
iOS applications.
e. Work with cross organizational teams and offshore teams in both
development and QA efforts.

a. BS or MS in computer science.
b. Expertise in building complex applications for the iPhone or iPad using
Objective-C/C++ with Cocoa and other frameworks.
c. Experience building mobile application development at the user interface
and system levels.
d. Experience writing unit tests and testable code.
e. Experience using git version control system.
f. Able to professionally communicate with other team members.
g. Experience developing Android application is a plus, but is not required.


2. Software Engineer, Machine Learning

Here are what you'll help us accomplish:
a. Extract articles from pdf documents by document understanding techniques.
b. Maintain and improve our recommendation engine.

a. BS or MS in computer science.
b. Experience with NLP about Chinese/Japanese texts.
c. Experience using elasticsearch/solr/lucene.
d. Experience developing recommendation algorithms.
e. Experience using git version control system.
f. Able to professionally communicate with other team members.

At least NT$50,000 per month. We provide competitive salary based on your
experience plus stock options.

Please send your resume to [email protected]

【About Kono】
Kono is the Spotify for magazine reading. We want to make reading fun and
easily accessible in front of your finger tips. In the last 15 months, we
have delivered more than 800,000 magazines to our users around the world.
We currently have 100+ titles from TW, HK and China and expanding outside
of Chinese markets.

The company is founded by Stanford alumni. It is based in the heart of
silicon valley and has branch office in Taipei. We are looking for passionate
engineers to join our top-notch team graduated from top universities in
Taiwan and US.

Website: https://www.thekono.com
iOS - https://itunes.apple.com/tw/app/id477224666
Android - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kono.reader


All Comments

Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2015-02-11T02:10
so cheap....
Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2015-02-14T02:57
Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2015-02-15T12:53
Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2015-02-20T06:22
我不相信能達到這條件的 五萬薪水找得到就是
John avatar
By John
at 2015-02-21T17:22
找不到自然會加薪 市場機制會決定合理價格
Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2015-02-23T09:05
Una avatar
By Una
at 2015-02-27T19:56
Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2015-03-02T14:10
Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2015-03-04T23:33
Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2015-03-07T04:00
Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2015-03-09T19:06
Machine learning 加個 0 吧 ...
Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2015-03-12T17:06


Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2015-02-06T11:26
拿到了紙本但是看板上很不推薦 部門是BG3 RF(不好意思 沒講清楚) 方便站內信或我丟您水球嗎? 想要請教一些事情 感謝您 -- 抬頭挺胸,生存下去,說 ...


Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2015-02-06T02:06
大家好 不知道這問題在這發問 是否合適 我想許多資訊強者 都用國外manual用慣了 也都有在用git等等的東東 那想請教 如果被外派到中國大陸 這些東西 ...


Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2015-02-06T01:48
小弟目前法律系大四生 因為興趣與本科系不合 從大三就開始往外闖 實習經驗包含: 1.大公司銷售業務實習 2.新創公司網路行銷, 專案負責人(與其他公司 ...


Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2015-02-06T01:44
想跟各位鄉民們請教一下關於奇美實業的錄取條件的一些迷思 1.奇美是否都只喜歡錄取台清交成的人?(本魯是苗栗某大學) 有沒有其他學校被錄取的案 �� ...

不滿吵鬧! 教保員虐死7月大女嬰

Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2015-02-06T00:52
※ [本文轉錄自 BabyMother 看板 #1Kqr9mz_ ] 作者: skysareblue (晨曦) 看板: BabyMother 標題: [新聞] 不滿吵鬧! 教保員虐死7月大女嬰 時間: Thu Feb 5 19:22:21 2015 整個 ...