LEK 艾意凱諮詢公司 招聘說明會 - 大陸工作

Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2015-10-13T18:05

Table of Contents

National Taiwan University
14:20-17:20 Friday, 16 October 2015
Room 405, Building 1, College of Management, National Taiwan University

幫忙分享訊息 有意加入諮詢產業的朋友可以瞭解一下

L.E.K. Consulting cordially invite all outstanding graduates to apply for the entry-level Associate position in our Shanghai office.

Associates play a crucial role on each project team, gathering, analyzing and synthesizing information regarding all aspects of businesses. They uncover novel information and undertake rigorous analysis that creates breakthrough insights and make lasting impacts on our clients. Working under the guidance of senior team members, Associates are responsible for:
Conducting primary and secondary research on markets, competitors and customers
Performing rigorous strategic and financial analysis to pinpoint appropriate, practical recommendations for clients
Collaborating with team members to derive trends, conclusions and recommendations based on the data and analysis
Transforming information into thoughtful insights regarding the client’s strategic direction
Making L.E.K. an enjoyable and rewarding place to work by coaching colleagues and transferring skills, offering constructive advice, and contributing to a positive social climate in the office.

What We Offer:

Our people give only their very best. To make this possible, new employees receive extensive training, support and mentoring from our Partners and are encouraged to bring initiative and outside-the-box thinking to each engagement. They learn to approach each project with an open mind, apply sophisticated analysis, and let the data lead them and their teams to the insights and solutions that offer the greatest benefit for our clients.

A career at L.E.K. involves exposure to a wide range of industries, and opportunities to provide strategy, finance, marketing and sales, operations, organization, and transaction consulting to many of the world's foremost companies and organizations. Working at L.E.K. also means working alongside the brightest and highest achieving people, helping our clients ask the difficult questions and make the important decisions together.

Training and Development
When you join L.E.K., you take the first step towards accelerating your career as a business leader. We invest heavily in the Career Development of every consulting professional at L.E.K. and give frequent, individual feedback.
Quality of Professional Experience
Variety of Work
Immediate Responsibility
Partner Interface
Mentor Program
MBA Sponsorship

The professional experience, training and mentoring we offer to our consulting professionals create a springboard to advancement and partner status, as well as other future endeavors.

International Opportunities
L.E.K.Consulting operates as a unified global firm and we encourage our consulting professionals to work with clients in other parts of the world, addressing strategic international business issues. There are three types of international opportunities:
Multi-office case teams which require extensive cross-office interaction and provide exposure to multi-national business dynamics
Internationally staffed teams involving on-site client work
International office exchanges – SWAP program

Who We Are Looking For:

Outstanding academic achievement
Initiative and commitment
Strong communication skills
Demonstrated leadership
Fluency in English and Chinese
Notable extra curricular interests

How to Apply:

To apply for the Associate position, please visit http://www.lek.com/join-lek/how-to-apply/apply-now

Campus Presentations:

Our company presentation will give you the opportunity to find out more about L.E.K. and what makes us distinctive both in the world of strategy consulting and as acareer option. After the presentation you will be given the opportunity to meet with members of the firm, several of which are your school alumni.

Shanghai Jiao Tong University
16:00-18:00 Wednesday, 14 October 2015
300 Tiesheng Hall, Shanghai Jiaotong University

Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University
18:30-20:30 Thursday, 15 October 2015
2/F Conference Room, Mingdao Building, Fenglin Campus, Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University

National Taiwan University
14:20-17:20 Friday, 16 October 2015
Room 405, Building 1, College of Management, National Taiwan University

Peking University and Tsinghua University
14:00-16:00 Monday, 19 October 2015
Room 212, New Sun Student Center, Peking University

Nanjing University
16:00-18:00 Tuesday, 20 October 2015
Room 217, South Garden Building, Gulou Campus, Nanjing University

Zhejiang University
18:00-20:00 Wednesday, 21 October 2015
Room 139, International Conference Center, Zijin Campus, Zhejiang University

We look forward to meeting you!


All Comments

Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2015-10-16T06:15


Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2015-10-13T00:03
想請教一個公證上面的問題 小弟和老婆已經在湖北拿完結婚證 但當時一時陰錯陽差導致沒有立刻在 當地做完公證寄回台灣海基會 由於我和老婆都在深圳 而老婆是湖北人 想請問公證這道手續 是否一定要到湖北的公證處完成 還是在深圳找公證處寄回台灣就可以了? 謝謝 - ...


Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2015-10-12T15:40
10/1長假小弟利用空閒時間 去河北保定的華夏銀行開戶 可是櫃台的說需要and#34;台胞證and#34;+and#34;台灣身分證and#34;才能開戶 據我同事之前開戶 開戶只要帶and#34;台胞證and#34;就可以開了 這是新規定嗎?總覺得怪怪的... 請問 最近有人到華夏銀行 開戶嗎的? ...


Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2015-10-12T14:13
地點在上海龍柏新村富庄棋牌室 6:30左右 三個都是台灣人,就今天真的很想打,無奈就是缺一個人 你們要有兩人也可以,反正有一人可打可不打 上海孤單寂寞,順便認識一下同好XDDD 3+1將 或者平常缺咖想打的也能認識一下,我們一天到晚三缺一 加我微信 13761517231 - ...


Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2015-10-11T22:24
◎帳  號:xstomedidi ◎暱  稱:Ted/泰德 ◎性  別:男 ◎生  日:0815 ◎台灣居所:苗栗 ◎登陸日期:104.06.22 ◇大陸住所:廣東中山市張家邊 ◇公司性質:製造 ◇職  稱:財務專員 ◇返台頻率:3次/半年 ◇休假制度:基本上週休二日 ◇薪資結構:CN ...


Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2015-10-11T19:14
◎暱  稱:Mike ◎性  別:男生 ◎生  日:80年生 ◎台灣居所:台北內湖 ◎登陸日期:10/15(四) ◎微 信:b98303052 ◇大陸住所:上海找尋中(希望離黃埔區近一點) ◇公司性質:顧問業 ★想說的話 各位前輩們好,小弟以前是學經濟、行銷、和一些財金的課(有點 ...