Libgirl徵求技術夥伴 - 工程師

By Delia
at 2017-05-10T12:09
at 2017-05-10T12:09
Table of Contents
# Libgirl (library girl) 徵求技術夥伴
Libgirl製作出程式化的creative Artificial Intelligence,企圖成就真正的general
purpose AI。我們長時間只做而且直接做這件事,並建立自己的theory和Methodology,
## 工作夥伴描述
創業早期技術夥伴。公司分為產品化端跟核心技術端(unknown pattern generator)。
## 應徵條件
### 人格特質
1. 即使有扎實技術專長、有任何成功經驗,都隨時能歸零,或願意學著歸零。Socrates
:The only thing I know is that I know nothing at all.
1. 年齡不限。目前我們的夥伴年齡都不超過30,是資訊領域創業的黃金年齡。但很歡迎
1. 願意長期一起在國外打拼,因為公司要向國外發展。(無法的朋友可以討論其他參與方
1. 喜歡或願意長時間解未知的大問題。
1. 不被邏輯思考、目的性、技術方法、創業方法給侷限。遇到是否執行帶刺的點子,會
1. 接受人文、直覺跟品味的重要性。
1. 主動找事做、主動溝通、互相幫忙。這才是強的團隊
1. 一起實踐四principles:
- AI is self practice
- minimalism
- organic
- beyond language paradox
### 技術專長,以下任一群即可
1. computational creativity.
1. programming language theory or compiler: having experience in programming
language theory and design, or compiler implementation. For general purpose
AI is Turing Complete but easy for normal people to communicate with.
1. mainstream AI or data scientist: should specialize in some pan-AI field.
This field can be machine learning, neural network, pattern recognition,
speech recognition, natural language processing, genetic programming,
computer vision, probabilistic graphical model, etc... For Libgirl has to
integrate any useful technology into our system.
1. theoretical computer scientist: should specialize in theory of computation
or complexity. This teammate should have strong mathematics background
including classical analysis, algebra(linear algebra, abstract algebra, or
others), cryptography, mathematical logic, probabilistic, statistics,
multivariable calculus.
1. artificial life: creative system can be analog to a biological life system.
1. self-modifying code: having practical experience in writing self-modifying
code. And knowing related theory or technology.
1. anything strongly connected to general purpose AI but we miss.
### 技術基礎
- Unix基本知識和操作
- 熟悉C語言或Lisp家族之一(Common Lisp優先)
### 其他技能
- 英文堪用
- 會日語加分
- 有設計或舞台表演背景加分
- 有創業背景加分
## 權利義務
- 薪資
- 月薪60k NTD,公司有營收前無獎金。我們認為真心想當長期夥伴的朋友會願意暫
- 大師價月薪220k NTD。公司有能力即優先加薪
- 股份
- 面議
- 大師價,目前組成的35% (我們從哲學、數學、技術、Prototype到商業公司夥伴
- 工作地點
- 出國發展之前在台北,預計7~8月去日本或美國
- 工作時間
- 週間早上9:00~中午12:00全力衝刺,每個早上都要完成事情
- 中午以後自己決定怎麼工作:改進產品、改進開發環境、自我學習、去美術館培養
- 自備筆電:是
## 聯絡方式
- 書卷姐有限公司
- Email: [email protected]
- Tel: 02-2311-9816
# Libgirl (library girl) 徵求技術夥伴
Libgirl製作出程式化的creative Artificial Intelligence,企圖成就真正的general
purpose AI。我們長時間只做而且直接做這件事,並建立自己的theory和Methodology,
## 工作夥伴描述
創業早期技術夥伴。公司分為產品化端跟核心技術端(unknown pattern generator)。
## 應徵條件
### 人格特質
1. 即使有扎實技術專長、有任何成功經驗,都隨時能歸零,或願意學著歸零。Socrates
:The only thing I know is that I know nothing at all.
1. 年齡不限。目前我們的夥伴年齡都不超過30,是資訊領域創業的黃金年齡。但很歡迎
1. 願意長期一起在國外打拼,因為公司要向國外發展。(無法的朋友可以討論其他參與方
1. 喜歡或願意長時間解未知的大問題。
1. 不被邏輯思考、目的性、技術方法、創業方法給侷限。遇到是否執行帶刺的點子,會
1. 接受人文、直覺跟品味的重要性。
1. 主動找事做、主動溝通、互相幫忙。這才是強的團隊
1. 一起實踐四principles:
- AI is self practice
- minimalism
- organic
- beyond language paradox
### 技術專長,以下任一群即可
1. computational creativity.
1. programming language theory or compiler: having experience in programming
language theory and design, or compiler implementation. For general purpose
AI is Turing Complete but easy for normal people to communicate with.
1. mainstream AI or data scientist: should specialize in some pan-AI field.
This field can be machine learning, neural network, pattern recognition,
speech recognition, natural language processing, genetic programming,
computer vision, probabilistic graphical model, etc... For Libgirl has to
integrate any useful technology into our system.
1. theoretical computer scientist: should specialize in theory of computation
or complexity. This teammate should have strong mathematics background
including classical analysis, algebra(linear algebra, abstract algebra, or
others), cryptography, mathematical logic, probabilistic, statistics,
multivariable calculus.
1. artificial life: creative system can be analog to a biological life system.
1. self-modifying code: having practical experience in writing self-modifying
code. And knowing related theory or technology.
1. anything strongly connected to general purpose AI but we miss.
### 技術基礎
- Unix基本知識和操作
- 熟悉C語言或Lisp家族之一(Common Lisp優先)
### 其他技能
- 英文堪用
- 會日語加分
- 有設計或舞台表演背景加分
- 有創業背景加分
## 權利義務
- 薪資
- 月薪60k NTD,公司有營收前無獎金。我們認為真心想當長期夥伴的朋友會願意暫
- 大師價月薪220k NTD。公司有能力即優先加薪
- 股份
- 面議
- 大師價,目前組成的35% (我們從哲學、數學、技術、Prototype到商業公司夥伴
- 工作地點
- 出國發展之前在台北,預計7~8月去日本或美國
- 工作時間
- 週間早上9:00~中午12:00全力衝刺,每個早上都要完成事情
- 中午以後自己決定怎麼工作:改進產品、改進開發環境、自我學習、去美術館培養
- 自備筆電:是
## 聯絡方式
- 書卷姐有限公司
- Email: [email protected]
- Tel: 02-2311-9816
All Comments

By Rosalind
at 2017-05-13T07:57
at 2017-05-13T07:57

By George
at 2017-05-17T07:42
at 2017-05-17T07:42

By Oliver
at 2017-05-18T21:48
at 2017-05-18T21:48

By Todd Johnson
at 2017-05-21T11:58
at 2017-05-21T11:58

By Candice
at 2017-05-24T19:54
at 2017-05-24T19:54

By John
at 2017-05-28T17:05
at 2017-05-28T17:05

By Isabella
at 2017-05-29T20:25
at 2017-05-29T20:25

By Frederic
at 2017-06-01T01:43
at 2017-06-01T01:43

By Margaret
at 2017-06-04T02:29
at 2017-06-04T02:29

By Daph Bay
at 2017-06-06T14:44
at 2017-06-06T14:44

By Ethan
at 2017-06-07T00:18
at 2017-06-07T00:18

By Joseph
at 2017-06-11T10:18
at 2017-06-11T10:18
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