LINE泰國徵設計師 - offer

Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2016-06-12T19:55

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LINE Thailand is looking for a special designer.
Global messenger LINE provides services to users all over the world in more than 230 countries and regions such as Japan, Thailand, Taiwan, Indonesia, and the USA.
As of now, LINE Thailand’s creators are pouring passion and giving intense considerations to offer Thailand’s innumerable LINE users an exciting, wonderful experience that has the potential to become ‘something special’.
Therefore; here is a great opportunity for you to join LINE’s Thailand designer position, which is an infrequent job opening as it is a challenging role that requires high quality professionalism and responsibility towards Thailand users. We are looking forward to see a new special designer who will cherish this opportunity with courage, determination, and challenging mindset together with us soon.
Introducing LINE Creative Center!
[UI/UX Design Job Opening]…/care…/detail/20000045/229/1798…
[Brand Design Job Opening]…/care…/detail/20000045/229/1257…
[Game Marketing Design Job Opening]…/care…/detail/20000045/229/1797…\


All Comments

USA SQA Testing job

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2016-06-10T15:44
各位前輩們好: 我是即將搬到美國的新移民,在此之前的學經歷都是在台灣。 本身持有綠卡, 在台灣工作的性質是屬於IC產業(台灣IC設計龍頭)的 QA Te ...


Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2016-06-09T14:45
※ 引述《alphax (巴斯)》之銘言: : 小弟目前申請到北加的資工研究所,但還沒入學。聽說暑期實習很重要且競爭激烈,想說 : 現在該開始準備明年暑期� ...

Nanotek Instruments徵電池生產/開發專業

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2016-06-08T04:54
目前公司急徵對鋰離子電池Si anode有經驗的人 碩博士皆可 人必須在美國有EAD卡 如果有Si nanoparticle大量生產經驗的人也很歡迎 有意者請來信 winston.suatang ...

Background Check問題

Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2016-06-07T04:49
小弟最近拿到Tesla Offer. 剩下背景調查還沒解決, 公司委託Employment Screening Services, Inc做背景調查, 他們要我提供在台大RA和工研院intern的記錄Supporting docum ...


William avatar
By William
at 2016-06-05T18:04
目前在飯店業,想要再做個2年吧! 把系統跟履歷累積久一點,同時想充實英文跟東南亞語言, 可是沒有相關外派工作經驗,如果屆時30.31再找,會因為年紀設限 ...