Non-Technical Interview Questions - offer

By Annie
at 2007-06-25T08:10
at 2007-06-25T08:10
Table of Contents
From :
Questions Asked By Employers
What are your long range and short range goals and
objectives, when and why did you establish these goals
and how are you preparing yourself to achieve them?
What specific goals, other than those related to your
occupation, have you established for yourself?
What do you see yourself doing five years from now?
What do you expect to be earning in five years?
What do you really want to do in life?
What are the most important rewards you expect in your
business career?
Why did you choose the career for which you are preparing?
Which is more important to you, the money or type of job?
What do you consider to be your greatest strengths and weaknesses?
How would you describe yourself?
How do you think a friend or professor who knows you
would describe you?
What motivates you to put forth your greatest efforts?
How has your college experience prepared you for a business career?
Why should I hire you?
What qualifications do you have that make you think that
you will be successful in business?
How do you determine or evaluate success?
What do you think it takes to be successful in a company like ours?
In what ways do you think you can make a contribution to our company?
What qualities should a successful manager possess?
Describe the relationship that should exist between a
supervisor and those reporting to him or her.
What two to three accomplishments have given you the
most satisfaction? Why?
Describe your most rewarding college experience.
If you were hiring a graduate for this position, what
qualities would you look for?
Why did you select your college or university?
What led you to choose your field of major study?
What college subjects did you like best? Why? Least? Why?
If you could do so, how would you plan your academic
study differently? Why?
What changes would you make in your college or university? Why?
Do you have plans for continued study? An advanced degree?
Do you think that your grades are a good indication of
your academic achievement?
What have you learned from participation in
extra-curricular activities?
In what kind of work environment are you most comfortable?
How do you work under pressure?
In what part-time or summer jobs have you been most interested in? Why?
How would you describe the ideal job for you following graduation?
Why did you decide to seek a position with this company?
What do you know about our company?
What two or three things are most important to you in a job?
Are you seeking employment in a company of a certain size? Why?
What criteria are you using to evaluate the company for
which you hope to work?
Are you willing to travel?
Do you have a geographical preference? Why?
Will you relocate? Does relocation bother you?
Are you willing to spend at least six months as a trainee?
Why do you think you might like to live in the community
in which our company is located?
What major problem have you encountered and how did
you deal with it?
What have you learned from your mistakes?
What were your major courses of study in school? Why
did you choose those courses?
What was the most important thing you learned in school?
Why did you decide to go to this University?
Do you plan to finish your college degree while you are working?
Did school meet your expectations? How did you pay for
your college education?
To what extent do your grades reflect how much you learned?
What were your major responsibilities at your last job? At
the one before that?
Which of your previous jobs did you like/dislike most? Why?
What was the most rewarding experience at work? What
do you find most satisfying in a job?
What was your single most important accomplishment for
the company in your last job?
Why did you leave your last job? Why do you want to change jobs?
What was the toughest problem you had to solve? How
did you solve it?
Why do you want to work for this company?
This job means you will have to relocate; what problems
do you foresee, if any?
This job has a lot of travel; how will you handle that?
After reading a description of the job, how do you see
yourself fitting in with this job?
What skills did you learn at your last job that you can use here?
Why do you want to work for our company?
How do you think your education will help you on this job?
What would you do if you were fired in two years?
If you went to work for us today, what job would you like
to hold in three years?
How long do you plan on staying with us?
What kinds of additional education, formal or informal, do
you think you need to meet your career goals?
What do you know about our company?
Why did you choose our company?
What are your career goals?
Where do you expect to be in your career within five years?
What are your educational goals?
What future training do you plan in connection with your career goals?
What are your lifetime goals?
What do you know about the position you are interviewing for?
What skills, experience, and training do you have that
makes you qualified for this job?
What other positions have you had that qualify you for this position?
What have you contributed to your past employers that
saved the company time, money, or enhanced its image?
How many promotions did you receive at your last or present company?
Why were you given these promotions at your present or last company?
How many raises were given at your last position? Why
were you given them?
What did you learn in your last three positions?
Why do you want to change careers?
Have you had any supervisory or administrative
experience? Please tell me more about it.
What management style do you prefer?
How are your people-management skills? Can you give
me one or two examples?
How well do you communicate in writing and orally?
Give me some examples.
Can you meet deadlines? If so, give me an example.
Give me an example of a decision you made that benefited your company.
What motivates you?
How do you best motivate others?
What clubs do you belong to?
What volunteer work do you do or have you done in the past?
What awards or honors have you received?
What are your hobbies?
What do you do in your spare time?
What are your salary requirements?
Have you ever done consulting work? If so, why and for whom?
Have you written any articles for a professional journal,
magazine, or newspaper?
What civic organizations do you belong to?
What professional associations do you belong to?
What major strength do you feel you have that would
make you a great (Manager, Sales Representative,
Accountant, Analyst, etc)?
Describe a situation where your work or an idea was criticized.
Have you done the best work you are capable of doing?
What problems do you have getting along with others?
I'm not sure you're suitable for the job, what do you think?
Tell me about something you are not proud of.
What are some of the things your supervisor did that you disliked?
What aspects of your job do you consider most crucial?
What is your energy level like? Describe a typical day.
Why do you want to work here?
What kind of experience do you have for this job?
Are you willing to go where the company sends you?
What did you like/dislike about your last job?
What is the least relevant job you have held?
What would you like to be doing five years from now?
What are your biggest accomplishments?
How do you organize and plan for major projects?
What is your greatest strength?
What are your outstanding qualities?
What interests you most about this job?
What can you do for us that someone else can't do?
Describe a difficult problem you have had to deal with.
What would your references say about you?
Can we check your references?
What was the last book you read (or movie you saw)?
How did it affect you?
How do you handle tension?
How long have you been looking for a position?
Have you ever been fired?
How does this job compare with others you have applied for?
How do you take direction?
Rate yourself on a scale of one to ten.
What kinds of things do you worry about?
What is the most difficult situation you have faced?
What are some of the things that bother you?
What have you done that shows initiative?
How interested are you in sports?
Do you prefer working with others or alone?
Explain your role as a group/team leader.
How would you define a conducive work atmosphere?
Define cooperation.
What difficulties do you have tolerating people with
different backgrounds and interests from yours?
In hindsight, what have you done that was a little harebrained?
What would you do when you have a decision to make
and no procedure exists?
What kinds of decisions are most difficult for you?
Tell me about the problems you have had living within your means.
What area of your skills/professional development do you
want to improve at this time?
Are you willing to take calculated risks when necessary?
See this pen I am holding, sell it to me.
What is the worst thing you have heard about our company?
How do you handle rejection?
Tell me about a time when you put your foot in your mouth.
What interests you least about this job?
What do you feel is a satisfactory attendance record?
What are some of the things you find difficult to do? Why
do you feel that way?
What kind of people do you like to work with?
What kind of people do you find it difficult to work with?
How have you successfully worked with this difficult type of person?
How would you evaluate me as an interviewer?
We have tried to hire people from your major before, and
they never seem to work out. What makes you different?
Do you like routine tasks/regular hours?
What have you done that shows initiative and willingness to work?
What do you think determines progress in a good company?
Do you think grades should be considered by first employers?
Why do you think you would like this type of work?
What would your ideal career position be?
Do you consider yourself a leader, and if so, give me some
examples of your leadership abilities?
Do you consider yourself a better manager or a better implementer?
What are your most significant achievements?
Have you had any international experience? Do you speak
or write in any foreign language?
What can you offer us?
Have you ever fired employees, and if so, how did you
handle terminations?
What do you feel is the most difficult responsibility that a
manager/executive must perform?
What is your definition of success and according to this
definition, how successful have you been in your career?
What are your long and short range plans?
What were your favorite courses in school? Who were
your favorite professors and why?
Did you prepare your own resume?
How long have you been engaged in your job search?
Have you had any specific offers?
Why haven't you found a position before now?
What do you know about this company, and where did you
find this information?
How do you spend your time when you are not working?
If you could begin your career over again, what would you
do differently?
How much do you think this position is worth?
What is the hardest job you have ever performed?
Do you object to taking psychological tests?
What contributions do you think that you could make to this company?
You seem overqualified for this position, what do you think?
Questions Asked By Employers
What are your long range and short range goals and
objectives, when and why did you establish these goals
and how are you preparing yourself to achieve them?
What specific goals, other than those related to your
occupation, have you established for yourself?
What do you see yourself doing five years from now?
What do you expect to be earning in five years?
What do you really want to do in life?
What are the most important rewards you expect in your
business career?
Why did you choose the career for which you are preparing?
Which is more important to you, the money or type of job?
What do you consider to be your greatest strengths and weaknesses?
How would you describe yourself?
How do you think a friend or professor who knows you
would describe you?
What motivates you to put forth your greatest efforts?
How has your college experience prepared you for a business career?
Why should I hire you?
What qualifications do you have that make you think that
you will be successful in business?
How do you determine or evaluate success?
What do you think it takes to be successful in a company like ours?
In what ways do you think you can make a contribution to our company?
What qualities should a successful manager possess?
Describe the relationship that should exist between a
supervisor and those reporting to him or her.
What two to three accomplishments have given you the
most satisfaction? Why?
Describe your most rewarding college experience.
If you were hiring a graduate for this position, what
qualities would you look for?
Why did you select your college or university?
What led you to choose your field of major study?
What college subjects did you like best? Why? Least? Why?
If you could do so, how would you plan your academic
study differently? Why?
What changes would you make in your college or university? Why?
Do you have plans for continued study? An advanced degree?
Do you think that your grades are a good indication of
your academic achievement?
What have you learned from participation in
extra-curricular activities?
In what kind of work environment are you most comfortable?
How do you work under pressure?
In what part-time or summer jobs have you been most interested in? Why?
How would you describe the ideal job for you following graduation?
Why did you decide to seek a position with this company?
What do you know about our company?
What two or three things are most important to you in a job?
Are you seeking employment in a company of a certain size? Why?
What criteria are you using to evaluate the company for
which you hope to work?
Are you willing to travel?
Do you have a geographical preference? Why?
Will you relocate? Does relocation bother you?
Are you willing to spend at least six months as a trainee?
Why do you think you might like to live in the community
in which our company is located?
What major problem have you encountered and how did
you deal with it?
What have you learned from your mistakes?
What were your major courses of study in school? Why
did you choose those courses?
What was the most important thing you learned in school?
Why did you decide to go to this University?
Do you plan to finish your college degree while you are working?
Did school meet your expectations? How did you pay for
your college education?
To what extent do your grades reflect how much you learned?
What were your major responsibilities at your last job? At
the one before that?
Which of your previous jobs did you like/dislike most? Why?
What was the most rewarding experience at work? What
do you find most satisfying in a job?
What was your single most important accomplishment for
the company in your last job?
Why did you leave your last job? Why do you want to change jobs?
What was the toughest problem you had to solve? How
did you solve it?
Why do you want to work for this company?
This job means you will have to relocate; what problems
do you foresee, if any?
This job has a lot of travel; how will you handle that?
After reading a description of the job, how do you see
yourself fitting in with this job?
What skills did you learn at your last job that you can use here?
Why do you want to work for our company?
How do you think your education will help you on this job?
What would you do if you were fired in two years?
If you went to work for us today, what job would you like
to hold in three years?
How long do you plan on staying with us?
What kinds of additional education, formal or informal, do
you think you need to meet your career goals?
What do you know about our company?
Why did you choose our company?
What are your career goals?
Where do you expect to be in your career within five years?
What are your educational goals?
What future training do you plan in connection with your career goals?
What are your lifetime goals?
What do you know about the position you are interviewing for?
What skills, experience, and training do you have that
makes you qualified for this job?
What other positions have you had that qualify you for this position?
What have you contributed to your past employers that
saved the company time, money, or enhanced its image?
How many promotions did you receive at your last or present company?
Why were you given these promotions at your present or last company?
How many raises were given at your last position? Why
were you given them?
What did you learn in your last three positions?
Why do you want to change careers?
Have you had any supervisory or administrative
experience? Please tell me more about it.
What management style do you prefer?
How are your people-management skills? Can you give
me one or two examples?
How well do you communicate in writing and orally?
Give me some examples.
Can you meet deadlines? If so, give me an example.
Give me an example of a decision you made that benefited your company.
What motivates you?
How do you best motivate others?
What clubs do you belong to?
What volunteer work do you do or have you done in the past?
What awards or honors have you received?
What are your hobbies?
What do you do in your spare time?
What are your salary requirements?
Have you ever done consulting work? If so, why and for whom?
Have you written any articles for a professional journal,
magazine, or newspaper?
What civic organizations do you belong to?
What professional associations do you belong to?
What major strength do you feel you have that would
make you a great (Manager, Sales Representative,
Accountant, Analyst, etc)?
Describe a situation where your work or an idea was criticized.
Have you done the best work you are capable of doing?
What problems do you have getting along with others?
I'm not sure you're suitable for the job, what do you think?
Tell me about something you are not proud of.
What are some of the things your supervisor did that you disliked?
What aspects of your job do you consider most crucial?
What is your energy level like? Describe a typical day.
Why do you want to work here?
What kind of experience do you have for this job?
Are you willing to go where the company sends you?
What did you like/dislike about your last job?
What is the least relevant job you have held?
What would you like to be doing five years from now?
What are your biggest accomplishments?
How do you organize and plan for major projects?
What is your greatest strength?
What are your outstanding qualities?
What interests you most about this job?
What can you do for us that someone else can't do?
Describe a difficult problem you have had to deal with.
What would your references say about you?
Can we check your references?
What was the last book you read (or movie you saw)?
How did it affect you?
How do you handle tension?
How long have you been looking for a position?
Have you ever been fired?
How does this job compare with others you have applied for?
How do you take direction?
Rate yourself on a scale of one to ten.
What kinds of things do you worry about?
What is the most difficult situation you have faced?
What are some of the things that bother you?
What have you done that shows initiative?
How interested are you in sports?
Do you prefer working with others or alone?
Explain your role as a group/team leader.
How would you define a conducive work atmosphere?
Define cooperation.
What difficulties do you have tolerating people with
different backgrounds and interests from yours?
In hindsight, what have you done that was a little harebrained?
What would you do when you have a decision to make
and no procedure exists?
What kinds of decisions are most difficult for you?
Tell me about the problems you have had living within your means.
What area of your skills/professional development do you
want to improve at this time?
Are you willing to take calculated risks when necessary?
See this pen I am holding, sell it to me.
What is the worst thing you have heard about our company?
How do you handle rejection?
Tell me about a time when you put your foot in your mouth.
What interests you least about this job?
What do you feel is a satisfactory attendance record?
What are some of the things you find difficult to do? Why
do you feel that way?
What kind of people do you like to work with?
What kind of people do you find it difficult to work with?
How have you successfully worked with this difficult type of person?
How would you evaluate me as an interviewer?
We have tried to hire people from your major before, and
they never seem to work out. What makes you different?
Do you like routine tasks/regular hours?
What have you done that shows initiative and willingness to work?
What do you think determines progress in a good company?
Do you think grades should be considered by first employers?
Why do you think you would like this type of work?
What would your ideal career position be?
Do you consider yourself a leader, and if so, give me some
examples of your leadership abilities?
Do you consider yourself a better manager or a better implementer?
What are your most significant achievements?
Have you had any international experience? Do you speak
or write in any foreign language?
What can you offer us?
Have you ever fired employees, and if so, how did you
handle terminations?
What do you feel is the most difficult responsibility that a
manager/executive must perform?
What is your definition of success and according to this
definition, how successful have you been in your career?
What are your long and short range plans?
What were your favorite courses in school? Who were
your favorite professors and why?
Did you prepare your own resume?
How long have you been engaged in your job search?
Have you had any specific offers?
Why haven't you found a position before now?
What do you know about this company, and where did you
find this information?
How do you spend your time when you are not working?
If you could begin your career over again, what would you
do differently?
How much do you think this position is worth?
What is the hardest job you have ever performed?
Do you object to taking psychological tests?
What contributions do you think that you could make to this company?
You seem overqualified for this position, what do you think?
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