NYC hedge fund 內推 quant resear - 海外工作

Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2021-02-10T03:10

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代po, 有興趣的人請將CV寄到
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一家在紐約prestigious hedge fund在徵quant research
主要是負責Global equity statistical arbitrage strategy
工作內容就是負責交易策略 股票資產配置 建構預測模型
有software engineer或data science經驗會是加分項

今年六月從碩博士班畢業的同學 也非常歡迎
這個職位是內推 請放心resume不會寄到獵頭

A NYC based hedge fund is looking for a statistical arbitrage quant research.


- Develop statistical arbitrage trading strategy
- Extract feature from large dataset
- Portfolio construction and optimization
- Equity portfolio execution
- Develop equity risk model

Skills & Requirement:

- PhD (preferred) or MS in Science or Engineering degree.
- Experience with SQL or other DB languages.
- Familiar with Python; C++ will be a plus.
- Experience with large dataset.
- Knowledge with machine learning, optimization, and statistical analysis.
- Demonstrate excellent communication and analytical skills

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