OPT-->H1 student 自救(!?)聯絡會 - 海外工作

Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2008-04-30T10:39

Table of Contents

※ 引述《austin (好耶~)》之銘言:
NO ID OPT到期 H1-Type STEM Status: Result
01 duer May.2008 H1 ADV Yes Notice
02 wumee Jun 2008 H1 ADV Yes Notice
03 koogi Nov.2008 H1 ADV No
04 unused Apr.2009 H1 ADV Yes Notice
05 clarkchang Jul.2008 H1 ADV Yes/No H3-Aug/09 Notice
06 pest Jan.2009 H1 ADV No USCIS 在這開分部嗎
07 supersmart Jul.2009 H1 Yes 五月拿到碩士學位
08 pttpinball Jan.2009 H1 ADV Yes Notice
09 clouddff7 Aug.2008 H1 ADV No H1 receive notice入手
10 hermityang Jun.2008 H1 ADV No F1-OPT Notice
11 rost Feb.2009 H1 ADV Yes F1-OPT
12 callmestar Oct.2008 H1 ADV Yes F1-OPT Notice
13 bananaTW Jan.2009 H1 ADV Not sure F1-OPT
14 salutary Aug.2008 H1 ADV Yes F1-OPT
15 djlaie Feb.2009 H1 ADV No F1-OPT
16 wushihyen Jun.2008 H1 ADV NO F1-OPT
17 MOYO Sep.2009 H1 Yes 抵死到九月畢業
18 cascor Feb.2009 H1 ADV Yes F1-OPT
19 blackhorse Jun.2008 H1 ADV Yes F1-OPT
20 august27 Jun.2009 H1 ADV Yes F1-OPT Notice
21 yokoyama Jun.2009 H1 ADV NO 五月拿碩士學位
22 jinhun Jun.2008 H1 ADV YES F1-OPT Notice
23 fossils Jul.2008 H1 ADV YES F1-OPT
24 famm Jul.2009 H1 ADV Not sure 五月拿碩士學位
25 cutepretty May.2009 H1 NO F1-OPT
26 easycome Jul.2009 H1 ADV NO 五月拿到碩士學位
27 austin Dec.2008 H1 ADV YES Notice





All Comments

Una avatar
By Una
at 2008-05-05T07:11
Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2008-05-06T13:52
哎 好羨慕


Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2008-04-30T06:55
外派 所以是直接匯入我的證卷戶 不過當地也有美金戶頭(打算之後買美金定存用) 這邊的利息比台灣高一些 ※ 引述《foxrose (爬出大澡缸的壺梨煤鮭)�� ...

OPT-->H1 student 自救(!?)聯絡會

Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2008-04-30T03:58
NO ID OPT到期 H1-Type STEM Status: Result =========================================================================== 01 duer May.2008 H1 ADV Yes ...


Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2008-04-29T23:10
我來自問自答了 工作了一年之後 我回台灣前 是從Nationwide(銀行)匯回台灣的銀行外幣帳戶(台新) 手續費二十鎊 我是星期四匯的 星期五的飛機回台灣 在�� ...

OPT-->H1 student 自救(!?)聯絡會

Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2008-04-28T00:01
請愛用 Repost 功能  怎麼用?  採用原標題《Re: [認真] OPT--andgt;H1 student 自救(!?)聯絡會》嗎?[Y]  Yes 請問要引用原文嗎(Y/N/All/Repost)?[Y] ...


Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2008-04-27T23:31
給夢想一個直行出口 美商福特六和企業徵才暨暑期實習說明會 ARE YOU THE ONE You will be the one for us if you can work hard to high quality in an environment where pressure, ch ...