OPT 新規定的解讀 - 海外工作

Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2008-05-02T09:36

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根據uscis 4/18的press:
"USCIS has determined that it will allow petitioners of F-1 students whose H-1B
petitions were randomly selected to receive an H-1B visa number for FY2009
following the closure of the filing period, to now request a change of status
on behalf of qualified beneficiaries, if such requests are received within 30
days of the issuance of the receipt notice.

To request a change of status in lieu of consular notification, petitioners
(or authorized representatives) should send an e-mail with the request to the
USCIS service center where their petition is pending within 30 days of the
issuance of the receipt notice. Special email addresses for each service
center have been established specifically for this purpose. These addresses
are listed below and are posted on USCIS’ website. Petitioners should
e-mail their requests for change of status in lieu of
consular notification upon receipt of the notice so the agency has the request
before completing H-1B petition adjudication. The requests should include
the receipt number and both the petitioner’s and beneficiary’s name, date
of birth, I-94 (Arrival/Departure Record) number, and Student and Exchange
Visitor Information System (SEVIS) number. Please do not contact the
service center about requesting a change of status until after receiving
the receipt notice."

這裡不就是指 已經有了notice 要在30天內 寄email給service center 並提供姓名
notice number, sevis number等資訊嗎? 我以為這是必須要做的

第一次ctrl-v 因為用mac系統關係 不曉得這樣貼會不會不方便閱讀 請指教 謝謝

※ 引述《cchris (cruise specialist agent)》之銘言:
: 感謝duer大提供的連結
: 有關DSO處理OPT/cap gap extension的guideline已在4/25/2008出爐
: 重po一次:
: http://www.ice.gov/doclib/sevis/pdf/opt_policy_guidance_pdf.pdf
: 需要OPT/cap gap extension的人,必讀此篇
: 它也有更詳細地說明失業的登記方式: 學校(DSO)有責任紀錄每個學生的就職始末
: USCIS因此有能力依據SEVIS的紀錄來判斷學生的身份是否失效
: 至於DSO對於追縱SEVIS紀錄的認真程度及操作的熟悉度,則無法判斷
: 剛開始必然會有些亂象; 但可確定的是,失業90天會造成身份失效絕對是「玩真的」
: 比較有趣的是,就職包括self-employed及contractor,但都需要證據,
: 也都有一定的追縱難度; unpaid intern也行,但不能違反勞工法 (很容易違反)
: 換工作期間可以有10天的緩衝,不計入90天
: 若有抽到H1, cap gap extension是自動生效至9/30/2008; 學生不必做任何事,
: 並可以「選擇性」的要求學校印出新的I-20當做證據,但不做這件事也行。
: 但學生有責任確定H1的申請有成功地連結到他的SEVIS系統 (連絡學校DSO)
: 如果沒有正確連上,身份會失效 (但有補救空間) 所以學生最好有警覺性, 多連絡學校
: 還有,90天失業期限的計算以及OPT 17-month extension申請,都是04/08/2008生效
: 不溯及既往
: cap gap extension的效期也比想像中複雜:
: 所有H1申請者的OPT一律至少延至6/2/2008, grace period 8/2/2008 (包含沒抽中者)
: 被抽到H1候補者OPT延至07/28/2008, grace 09/27/2008
: 有抽到H1者OPT延至09/30/2008
: 自願撤回或H1被拒者,OPT有10天緩衝, F1 grace period 60天
: 總之,就算沒抽到,也可工作至6/2/2008
: 4/1/2008之前OPT就過期的人沒有資格延長工作,但可合法等待H1的生效


All Comments

Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2008-05-02T14:42
nally或者alien bbs打b都很好用喔 :D
Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2008-05-03T08:42
感謝 我都用iterm 應該找個新app來用一下 =p
Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2008-05-06T06:32

OPT 期間可不可以做 contractor/freelancer

Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2008-05-02T07:31
這個問題我問過學校負責國際學生事務的人 她每次都說:I wouldnand#39;t say no, but...... 那到底是行還是不行...=_=  所以乾脆來這裡請問大家    我 ...

OPT-->H1 student 自救(!?)聯絡會

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2008-05-01T12:25
※ 引述《duer ()》之銘言: : 給OPT快要到期並且有抽到H1的朋友 : 如果你的OPT跟H1中間有gap : 一但你拿到receipt number : 要請公司幫你申請change of status request ...

OPT-->H1 student 自救(!?)聯絡會

Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2008-05-01T08:40
給OPT快要到期並且有抽到H1的朋友 如果你的OPT跟H1中間有gap 一但你拿到receipt number 要請公司幫你申請change of status request 把WAC+SEVIS number送到USCIS 這樣�� ...

OPT-->H1 student 自救(!?)聯絡會

Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2008-05-01T07:50
NO ID OPT到期 H1-Type STEM Status: Result =========================================================================== 01 duer May.2008 H1 ADV Yes ...

OPT-->H1 student 自救(!?)聯絡會

Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2008-05-01T01:59
NO ID OPT到期 H1-Type STEM Status: Result =========================================================================== 01 duer May.2008 H1 ADV Yes ...