OPT問題(超過I-20 issued 30天) - 美國

Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2014-02-02T07:55

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※ 引述《arashilike (奶油啤酒)》之銘言:
: 我的OPT申請是去年12月寄出去的
: (I-20是去年11/18 issued的)
: 我一直覺得沒有問題,所以沒有特別注意
: 最近等EAD卡等的很焦慮,決定把資料再看一下
: 沒想到發現USCIS收到我的資料是12/19
: (也就是I-20 issued的第31天)
: 我現在整個非常的驚慌(怎麼會犯這種錯.....我工作都找到了....)
: 已經先寫信給學校的國際學生辦公室問他們有沒有什麼辦法
: 但是現在已經是禮拜五晚上了
: 可能也要等到禮拜一才會有回應(我現在是度秒如年阿)
: 所以才想要上來先問問看版友們知不知道有什麼補救辦法,
: 或是有人超過1-2天還是有申請成功的?(希望能給我點希望!!)
: 還是可以請學校幫我重弄一份I-20,然後我重新繳$380,重新申請(->這可行嗎?)
: 只是這樣我的EAD可能就要更晚才能拿到了(雖然也是我活該)
: 謝謝大家回答!!!!
: 瞬間過年的快樂氣氛都沒了...整個是烏雲罩頂阿@@
: 還是祝大家新年快樂!

8 CFR 214.2(f)(11)(B)(2)

For post-completion OPT, the student must properly file his or her Form I-765
up to 90 days prior to his or her program end-date and no later than 60 days
after his or her program end-date. The student must also file the Form I-765
with USCIS within 30 days of the date the DSO enters the recommendation for
OPT into his or her SEVIS record.

學生可以在畢業前90天到畢業後60天內向 DSO提出申請 OPT的要求。當 DSO在學
生的 SEVIS紀錄中註記推薦學生進行 OPT時,學生需在30天內提出 I-765申請。


USCIS Strict Enforcement on the 30-Day Filing Rule

The requirement that the OPT application must be filed within 30 days after
the DSO's recommendation is made and recorded in the student's SEVIS record
is not a new regulation. However, the USCIS has not consistently enforced
this regulation. On September 13, 2012, the Nebraska Service Center (NSC)
held a NSC Stakeholder Teleconference during which an NSC representative
explained that "[i]n doing a normal course of review of policies and
procedures, the NSC discovered an inconsistent approach both internally and
across the centers in applying the regulations." Therefore, according to the
USCIS, the regulation containing the 30-day filing requirement is now being
consistently enforced by the USCIS.

As part of implementing uniform enforcement of this regulation, the NSC
representative added that the applications that do not comply with this
requirement should be denied without a request for evidence (RFE). The reason
for this is that there is no way to overcome the problem by submitting
additional evidence - making an RFE pointless. Instead, by denying the
application outright, it is hoped that the students may receive the denial in
time to submit a new OPT application that complies with all regulatory
requirements, including the 30-day submission rule. This policy is intended
to be beneficial, and to allow for such OPT applications to be denied within
a relatively short period of time, so that affected students may still be
able to reapply for and receive the OPT.

如果以上的內容都是正確的,那 NSC有可能會拒絕你的 OPT申請(連 RFE都不發


-隆納.雷根 美國第40任總統

Tags: 美國

All Comments

Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2014-02-06T12:52
謝謝你! 明天要問問學校,看看能不能直接重新申請
Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2014-02-11T09:42
Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2014-02-16T00:06
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2014-02-20T04:21
Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2014-02-20T17:45
請問一下,重投後來有成功嗎? 我可能不等他reject我
Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2014-02-22T17:04
我就要先重新申請了 希望行得通!
Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2014-02-27T03:10
William avatar
By William
at 2014-03-03T19:40
同一份簽證印象中是不能同時有兩份申請書的,good luck!

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Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2014-01-29T04:41
板上的大家好 如題 我目前拿到台灣電子碩士後來美國讀書(extension) 打算在OPT時做Digital System方面的相關工作 所以想請問一下 IC Design 工程師在CA是否容 ...


Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2014-01-28T20:01
想請問現在在美國找RF相關的工作不知道好不好找? 小弟目前已取得國內的電機碩士,考慮到美國發展,所以想再去念一個碩士,不知道那裡的業界發�� ...

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Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2014-01-26T15:49
Hi, 大家好 我剛拿到面試,因為從來沒有在美國面試過。 想起問大家Merchandising 它主要會問哪些專業問題呢? 銷售採購我覺得應該會問一些分析的問題 分 ...

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Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2014-01-26T02:31
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Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2014-01-24T00:21
網誌版:http://exclusiveh.pixnet.net/blog/post/336870278 在美國用F-1身分當學生的時候 都不用考慮繳稅的問題 以OPT身份開始工作領薪水之後 才開始注意到要繳好� ...