Post-doc(RFIC) at Univ. of Washington - 工程師

Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2018-07-18T12:09

Table of Contents

July 13th, 2018

Post‐Doctoral Positions Available Now
The FAST Lab at the University of Washington has two post-doctoral positions
available. Our lab has funded projects which are focused broadly on RF,
mm-Wave and Biomedical Systems-on-Chip (SoCs). Specifically, one project seeks
to explore, implement and demonstrate full duplex wireless communication front-
ends, both at RF and mm-Wave frequencies using novel circuit and architecture
techniques, in addition to other phased-array projects. The lab has strong ties
to the highly-ranked University of Washington Medical School, with collaborate
projects partnering with the Radiology department, to investigate communication
electronics for PET imaging systems, as well as a joint effort on neural
interfaces with the department of Biophysics. The PI serves as co-director for
the Center for Design of Analog‐Digital Integrated Circuits (CDADIC) and is
an active member of the NSF funded Center for Sensorimotor Neural Engineering

Individuals seeking a post-doctoral position will have numerous opportunities
to publish with existing graduate students in all the lab’s focus areas of
research. The candidate should have strong analog, mixedsignal and digital
integrated circuit design experience and knowledge. Individuals will be
expected to interface with other PIs for cross-disciplinary efforts. Only
candidates who have experience with IC design, simulation and testing will
be considered. Individuals with a MS degree and at least 2 years industry IC
design experience, could be considered as a funded PhD student.

Seattle serves as an international technology hub with a thriving start-up
community, providing virtually limitless possibilities for collaboration, both
on and off campus. Our group has active collaborations with industry in the
Seattle/Bay Area and beyond. Our research lab resides in the Electrical
Engineering Building which is at the center of the beautiful University of
Washington (UW) campus. UW is in the heart of Seattle which offers many
opportunities for social activities as well as beautiful outdoor experiences in
the surrounding countryside.

Required skills: Strong working knowledge of Cadence, Matlab, Python or
equivalent. Familiarity with either neural interfaces and/or wireless systems

Lab Webpage:

If interested, please submit a CV to Chris Rudell ([email protected]).
Competitive salaries offered. (USD 45k~75k per year, depending on skill set)


All Comments

Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2018-07-19T09:01
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2018-07-21T17:03
Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2018-07-24T05:45
Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2018-07-26T09:58
Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2018-07-30T15:34

拚AI大眾化 聯發科打造全新A系列產品線

William avatar
By William
at 2018-07-18T08:26
工商時報【蘇嘉維╱台北報導】 聯發科(2454)宣布推出曦力(Helio)A系列全新產品線,將中高階主流機種使用的12奈 米製程及人工智慧(AI)技術導入到中低階市場,讓消費者無需付出高昂成本即可使用人 臉識別及智慧相簿等AI功能,目前該系列第一款產品A22已經打進小米供應鏈。 法人認為,聯發科跟進高通把人工智慧技術下放到中低階市場,象徵人工智慧應用未來將 成為全系列智慧手機的標準配 ...


Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2018-07-17T22:50
※ 引述《a8613512 (小月)》之銘言: : 大家好 : 小弟剛到系統廠新公司,想請問各位 : 大家都會跟同部門的朋友博感情嗎? : 還是都是自己 做自己的事情呢? : 是不是找一個人跟他博感情 : 做事上會比較順利呢? : 謝謝大家 我會欸 本身是帶產線的主管.. 同一部門上下製程 多少都會去應酬交際博感情 方便做事...當然對著幹的也不少 但要像你說的那樣變成好朋友 真的沒遇過.整天吵 ...


Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2018-07-17T22:05
來騙騙P幣 我在前公司也是業務職 公司沒配車給我 說有需要就去租車(需要載sampe或是儀器) 不然就主管或老闆的車給我開..730 跟E250 說真的我還是租車好了哈哈哈 不然都搭高鐵+TAXI就好 因為他們覺得安全+時間好掌握 長時間下來搞不好搭高鐵+TAXI還比配車來的省 差在配車可能可以節稅罷了 但是安全無價 萬一業務在外面出一次車禍把人撞殘或掛了 公司連帶責任可是.. ...


Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2018-07-17T21:17
經濟日報 數位內容中心 全球每二顆晶片就有一顆是台灣製造,台灣晶圓代工產業稱霸全球,其中台積電市占率五 成以上,遠遠把對手甩在後頭,有此輝煌的成績,要從44年前一場豆漿店的早餐會報開始 說起。 1974年時,台灣以勞力密集的輕工業、加工出口業為主,面臨產業發展成熟,且第三世界 國家崛起,擁有大量低廉勞力,台灣需要尋找下世代產業接棒的轉捩點。 當年2月,在台北市南陽街小欣欣豆漿店中,聚集當時台 ...


Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2018-07-17T21:01
魯弟118 工管 學碩士 成績皆前1%畢業 最近收到仁寶的NB專案工程師 想瞭解起薪大概多少 (查過資料,好像少於40K / month) 工作內容會因為碩士改變嗎 看最近版上資料,感覺好像很雜 希望有大大提供資訊,謝謝 ----- Sent from JPTT on my Sony G8342. - ...