Post-doc(RFIC) at Univ. of Washington - 工程師

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2018-10-19T11:00

Table of Contents

Post‐Doctoral Positions Available Now
The FAST Lab at the University of Washington has two post-doctoral positions
available. Our lab has funded projects which are focused broadly on RF,
mm-Wave and Biomedical Systems-on-Chip (SoCs). Specifically, one project seeks
to explore, implement and demonstrate full duplex wireless communication
ends, both at RF and mm-Wave frequencies using novel circuit and architecture
techniques, in addition to other phased-array projects. The lab has strong
to the highly-ranked University of Washington Medical School, with collaborate
projects partnering with the Radiology department, to investigate
electronics for PET imaging systems, as well as a joint effort on neural
interfaces with the department of Biophysics. The PI serves as co-director for
the Center for Design of Analog‐Digital Integrated Circuits (CDADIC) and is
an active member of the NSF funded Center for Sensorimotor Neural Engineering

Individuals seeking a post-doctoral position will have numerous opportunities
to publish with existing graduate students in all the lab’s focus areas of
research. The candidate should have strong analog, mixedsignal and digital
integrated circuit design experience and knowledge. Individuals will be
expected to interface with other PIs for cross-disciplinary efforts. Only
candidates who have experience with IC design, simulation and testing will
be considered. Individuals with a MS degree and at least 2 years industry IC
design experience, could be considered as a funded PhD student.

Seattle serves as an international technology hub with a thriving start-up
community, providing virtually limitless possibilities for collaboration, both
on and off campus. Our group has active collaborations with industry in the
Seattle/Bay Area and beyond. Our research lab resides in the Electrical
Engineering Building which is at the center of the beautiful University of
Washington (UW) campus. UW is in the heart of Seattle which offers many
opportunities for social activities as well as beautiful outdoor experiences
the surrounding countryside.

Required skills: Strong working knowledge of Cadence, Matlab, Python or
equivalent. Familiarity with either neural interfaces and/or wireless systems

Lab Webpage:

If interested, please submit a CV to Chris Rudell ([email protected]).
Competitive salaries and compensation offered.
(USD 50k~70k per year, depending on skill set)


All Comments

Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2018-10-20T13:26
5-70k$ ?這CS畢業薪水吧
Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2018-10-20T17:14
今年isscc 上幾篇啊?
Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2018-10-21T12:39

陸廠踩煞車減速 全球10.5/11代面板建廠熱

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2018-10-19T07:34
陸廠踩煞車減速 全球10.5/11代面板建廠熱潮退燒 全球面板產業在最高世代生產線步入10.5/11廠之後,吸引眾多面板廠搶進卡位,原本規 劃建置總數一度高達9座,然隨著資金取得不易、回收難度增加、市場環境變遷,近期已 出現退燒現象,業界傳出大陸惠科鄭州及中國電子信息產業集團(CEC)咸陽10.5/11代廠時 程均已延宕,加上鴻海美國廠從10.5代改 ...


Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2018-10-19T01:10
※ [本文轉錄自 Soft_Job 看板 #1RoBZabN ] 作者: RiverSki (Think big) 看板: Soft_Job 標題: [心得] 努力固然重要,但選擇更重要 時間: Fri Oct 19 00:46:25 2018 轉貼一位在東京工作的前輩的文章 :P 網頁好讀版: -- 來到東京兩年、最近剛結束一個專案,也剛好看到 ...

意法半導體 薪資

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2018-10-19T00:35
朋友沒有帳號所以上來幫發問 強者我朋友他在國外tier1公司工作,米國私校斯坦福畢 最近想轉回亞洲,因為他家人覺得待在西岸多年魯蛇一個又不交女朋友 所以希望他回亞洲就近看管 他看到台灣有負責Package Development and Project Manager的職缺 大概是五到十年工作經驗,請問大概要開多少才是正常價碼? 還有他說國外都是談本薪加RSU和bonus,請問意法也是可以這樣談 ...


George avatar
By George
at 2018-10-19T00:27
各位前輩好,小弟是剛退役新鮮人,學歷背景:四中物理學士112物理碩, 想請教板上各大有經驗的前輩意見,謝謝! 公司 美光 力晶 _____________________________________________ 職位 PIE整合工程師 TD技術開發工程師 部門 YE(良率提升/數據分析) 元件 待遇 (N+11)*14+分紅? (N+4)*12+年終+季獎金+分紅? 輪班 平日( ...


Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2018-10-18T23:52
小弟為社會新鮮人,想請教版上年薪三百萬的各位先進 因為對於這產業了解有限,想多請教各位前輩的看法 麻煩各位前輩多多指教 ------------------------- 公司  聯電 美光 職位 蝕刻PE 製造課長 薪資 底薪*14+分紅 底薪*14+獎金(好像只有一點) ...