Postdoc at UHCC (Hawaii) - 海外工作

Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2015-06-16T10:38

Table of Contents

Translational Bioinformatics Postdoc Positions

Hiring Unit: Located on the breath-taking oceanfront of Honolulu, HI,
University of Hawaii Cancer Center (UHCC) is one of the 68 NCI
designated cancer centers in the US. Dr. Garmire’s bioinformatics
group is a thriving, productive and well-funded group in UHCC.
We currently have several postdoc positions available.

Duties: Develop computational methods to integrate multi-dimensional
cancer genomics data, in association with patient outcome measurements
in population. Develop computational methods for efficient single-cell
sequencing and analysis. Collaborates with investigators on data
integration and single-cell RNA-Seq, methylation etc. Prepares
manuscripts, grants and presents research at meetings. Performs minimal
lab management duties and assist the PI to supervise PhD students
when necessary. More information about the group can be found at:


- PhD Degree from in bioinformatics, electrical engineering, genetics,
(bio) physics, (bio) statistics, computer science, or related major.

- Strong independent research experience with high profile,
first-author publications.

- Working knowledge in Linux/Unix environment. Programming knowledge in
at least two (2) of the following: Perl, R, Matlab, C, C++ or Java.

- Deep experience with machine learning, data mining and statistical
modeling methods.

- Experience with building pipelines for high-throughput data processing
using next generation sequencing, microarray etc., and experience with
collaborations with experimental biologists.

- Highly motivated to conduct research with minimum supervision,
excellent oral communication and written skills, and good team player.

Positions are open until filled. If interested, please send the CV to
[email protected]


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Form 4868後報稅問題

Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2015-06-13T01:02
我在四月的時候已經填寫Form 4868 以及補上Balance due大概兩千美金, 現在正在用TurboTax報稅,請問 Box 2 Federal income tax withheld是要填原本W2的 金額,還是�� ...

英國Henlow Recruitment Group

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By Aaliyah
at 2015-06-10T19:56
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HSA 稅務問題

Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2015-06-10T07:43
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Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2015-06-08T00:26
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