Postdoctoral Fellow positions at Duk … - 海外工作

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2008-04-09T11:16

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※ [本文轉錄自 sinica 看板]

作者: flywind1209 (飛翔風~) 看板: sinica
標題: [情報] Postdoctoral Fellow positions at Duke University
時間: Wed Apr 9 08:59:21 2008

We are looking for postdoctoral fellows to join our team to study the
function of HDAC members and reversible protein acetylation in cell
signaling and human disease. Our current focus is to elucidate the
functional intersection of HDAC members with autophagy machinery in
neurodegeneration, mitochondria in cancer metabolism, and skeletal
muscle remodeling in neuromuscular disease and muscle atrophy
(see Kawaguchi et. al. Cell. 115. 727-738, (2003), Kovacs et. al Molecular Cell
18 601-607 (2005), Bolger,et. J. Neuroscience 25(41):9544-53 (2005), Pandey et.
al Nature. 447:859-63 (2007), and Cohen et. al, J. Biol. Chem. 282(46):3375
(2008)). Individuals with experience in mouse models are particularly encourage
d to apply. Interested candidates should send curriculum vitae to:
[email protected]

Tso-Pang Yao, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology
Duke University
Durham, North Carolina, USA


All Comments

失業率竄升 各行業唱衰

Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2008-04-09T06:46
失業率竄升 各行業唱衰 【本報綜合四日電訊報導】勞工部4日公布,3月份全美非農業部門就業 人口連續第三個月衰退、衰退幅度達八萬人,失業率更� ...

Re: [北美 Opt up to 29 months?

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2008-04-09T03:27
上述原文吃光光 口卡口卡~~~~ : 推 duer: 在這個網頁當中的連結有一些我搞不太清楚 應該是說 跟我原本對� ...

Re: [北美 Opt up to 29 months?

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2008-04-09T01:38
※ 引述《maxisam (偽.強者)》之銘言: : 研究一下 : 如果已經用過opt再前一個master學歷 1年了 : 現再在取得另一個master (STEM) 似乎也沒辦法因此而受惠 : 是� ...


Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2008-04-08T19:55
我們學校是另外有一種CPT 這樣就不會用到OPT一年的時間限制 CPT看學校, 有些學校還要另外付費(因為好像有很少的學分數) 有些學校則會補助CPT ※ �� ...


Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2008-04-08T16:32
如題 請問有人聽過或是知道這家公司嘛 最近他在台灣要設辦事處 但是我在台灣網站怎麼查就是查不到 問國外朋友也都不知道 好像是在做公司產品顧問 ...