Rebort Half 人力公司? - 面試

Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2013-07-13T17:50

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Are you looking for a programming related job? As I remember, I probably use this company before to find a programming job 3 years ago. I use more than 100 headhunters in NY while I look for my first job in NY, 95 percent of them does not ask you to go their headhunters' office to have an interview. The reason is simple. All the people need to work in the office on weekdays, and no one is willing to take a day off or using their lunch time to do so.

I think you can just ask them to give you a call and ask them what kind of things they want to know. There is definitely no need to go there office. People usually emails me only. I probably talk to 90 percent of them for around 10 minutes, and only emails back and forth for around 10 percent of them.

Most of good headhunters with excellent positions in hedge funds or banks work fast and efficient. I believe if they ask a good candidates to go there office, 99 percent of the good candidates might just hang up the phone, because most of recruiters look for the same candidate, and the candidate does not want to waste there time to go their office. That is always the case.

From my case, I usually do not answer their phone call if they call me without scheduling a time. They usually leave voice messages or emails me about what kind the positions in which companies they have, if they do not have a good one, I will not take my time to call them back, and not to mention going to their office without knowing which positions they have on hand....

※ 引述《brandont (布蘭登)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《berson (小小孩)》之銘言:
: : 今天投了一個職位 就有人打電話來 超快 大概投完五分鐘以內吧
: : 我上網去看過這家公司 應該是正常的獵人頭or人力公司吧?
: : 請問有人接觸過嗎?
: Robert Half 是蠻大的人力仲介公司
: 據點蠻多, 也不少子公司
: : 我想問的是 像這種公司 如果媒合成功 找工作的我們應該不用付費吧?
: 不用, 他們是向客戶抽成, 求職者不需要付任何費用
: : 另外他們是叫我去他們公司面試 面試ok才會給要用的企業繼續面試嗎?
: : 是不是要當做正式面試 穿正式服裝過去??
: 是的, 假設你連 screening 都沒辦法過, 基本上他們不會推薦你給他的客戶
: : 還有也叫我帶護照等證件 這是正常沒錯 不過到時候如果他們當場拿去影印之類的
: : 這樣ok嗎? 如果不行我應該會當場婉拒吧
: 一般在申請表格會問你身份, 假設你有 SSN, 他們跟你要是為了做背景調查
: 確認申請者有無犯罪記錄
: 你沒 SSN 只能給護照當備查, 但一般來說除非他的客戶願意 sponsor h-1B
: 否則多一事不如少一事, 有身份當然是方便許多
: : 不好意思剛來美國 一切都有點戰戰兢兢 先謝謝回答
: 希望你面試跟找工作都順利 :-)


All Comments

Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2013-07-18T05:18
不見得 如果你之前或當下沒有美國工作經驗 被獵人頭先找去
Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2013-07-21T23:11
謝謝兩位 我知道該怎麼做了 就當成經驗吧 我的確沒有經驗
Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2013-07-26T21:00
發覺我的中文有變爛的趨勢 雖然英文也爛 呵呵
Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2013-07-30T00:52
我之前就是在客戶是hedge fund的IT獵人頭工作
會想找來interview的通常是1.非常喜歡 或2.似乎不錯但有
Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2013-07-30T03:25
些讓人疑慮的Candidates (ex.履歷很讚 但電話口語聽起來差
會想找來看看本人會不會溝通能力比較好) 總之應該表示原Po
Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2013-08-03T13:42
是個不錯的candidate, recruiter才會希望當面見個本人

Rebort Half 人力公司?

Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2013-07-13T10:21
※ 引述《berson (小小孩)》之銘言: : 今天投了一個職位 就有人打電話來 超快 大概投完五分鐘以內吧 : 我上網去看過這家公司 應該是正常的獵人頭or� ...

Rebort Half 人力公司?

Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2013-07-13T08:37
今天投了一個職位 就有人打電話來 超快 大概投完五分鐘以內吧 我上網去看過這家公司 應該是正常的獵人頭or人力公司吧? 請問有人接觸過嗎? �� ...


Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2013-07-13T02:36
我提供另一種看法.... 24K USD/year = 720K NTD/year = 60K NTD/month.. 你在台灣也不一定可以賺這麼多錢吧... 又考慮到可以有出國的經驗 又可以練英文 當然是出�� ...

找unpaid internship

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2013-07-12T11:41
依照我的經驗 networking 會比GPA更有用, 不過你12月就要畢業, 加上如果你也是只有12個月的OPT, 直接找正職是比較符合邏輯啦! 我同意你說的薪資部分, 所�� ...


Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2013-07-12T11:24
各位先進前輩好 小弟最近遇到一個難以抉擇的問題想請教 公司目前提供兩個長期出差機會 一個是在大陸,一個是在墨西哥 基本上日常吃住交通公司 ...