Recruiting-Accounting Consulting firm (CFGI) - 海外工作

Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2020-02-06T10:35

Table of Contents

<About the company>

CFGI is a unique and highly specialized financial consulting firm that is

strategically positioned to help companies through a range

of routine and complex business scenarios. As an extension of your corporate

finance team, CFGI works alongside your internal staff, serving in a

variety of roles - from technical accounting advisor to M&A support to

Controller or CFO and delivering seamless support services. Our five key

areas of expertise include:

" CFO Services
" Consulting
" Interim Management
" Valuation
" Corporate Tax

Opening Location : Boston, NYC, Philadelphia , Washington, D.C , San Francisco
Dallas, Charlotte


Accounting advisory
Risk Advisory
Financial transformation

See more detail on our website


1. Big 4 experience
2. Citizen or Green card only.



All Comments

Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2020-02-08T09:13
有那麼多個要哪一個也要講一下呀 XD
Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2020-02-11T13:31


Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2020-02-04T15:20
各位前輩好,目前小弟有一以色列外派的機會 想請問版上是否有目前或曾經在以色列長期居住工作的人可以分享些經驗 另外也想請教有關簽證、租屋� ...

Google team match求內推

Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2020-02-04T09:21
大家好,最近面了Google的 research engineer, recruiter跟我說讓我先team match 再 送hiring committee 所以想請前輩們幫忙。我個人最近研究的方向是 depth completion , se ...

Micron 美光 @ San Jose,CA 誠徵 intern

Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2020-02-01T03:59
Hi, our team (3DXP) needs a 3 or 6 months intern, EE or CS student who is familiar with C, Verilog, script language, Unix, better knows about FPGA, ASIC, RTL... Our location is in San Jose, C ...


Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2020-01-31T04:20
我們隔壁組開放了兩個職位 希望有更多台灣人加入我們公司Aptiv 地點在密西根Troy Sponsor 簽證 工作滿一年辦綠卡 需有opt 或h1b 1. Autonomous driving software tool ...

Peloton 或其他apparel 職缺referral

Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2020-01-26T12:46
請問有版友在Peloton工作可以幫忙refer嗎? 或是大紐約區若有apparel相關職缺,也麻煩了! 感謝大家! ----- Sent from JPTT on my Samsung SM-G950U. --