Research Associate (contractor) at HSBC Secur - 金融業討論

Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2017-06-27T20:08

Table of Contents

HSBC Securities is looking for a Research Associate (contractor)

Position Closed, thx

Job Contents:
- Collect & Compile research data
- Maintain Research databases with current & accurate research/industry data
- Update spreadsheets/models with current market data
- Compile reports upon request.

Qualifications to apply:
- Strong financial analysis and modeling skills are required
- Detail oriented and organized
- Self-motivated and hard working
- Strong academic background with degree in Economics/Finance/Accounting
- More than 1-2 years of work experience in the area of Equity Research
- Local Senior Brokerage License is necessary
- A long-term overseas study or work experience abroad is preferable
- Fluent English speaking and writing
- Experience utilizing Excel and Bloomberg


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Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2017-06-27T13:50
※ 引述《avant (嘿嘿)》之銘言: : 想跟大家請問一下 : 有個麻吉對於未來工作跟人生規劃有點 : 疑慮 : 他之前做過幾年業務 : 但表現不是很出色 : 也因為人際溝通出現障礙 : 又看到一些天才譬如 Meriwether : 或是明明在募資卻嗆輔銷人員的天才 : Scholes 都有怪脾氣 : 所 ...


Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2017-06-26T21:36
各位先進大大您好,小的最近錄取上海商銀,ㄧ開始要從櫃檯開始做起,好奇想問之後轉 單位是看分行缺額嗎? 是否一定是往理專發展還是也有機會往企金或總行單位就任呢? 煩請真正有經驗的行員或出社會前輩解惑了 - ...


Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2017-06-26T17:28
以你提供的資訊, 其實可以直接大學畢業就找新加坡或香港的工作, 工作幾年後, 知道需 要的能力在那, 再去念碩士也不會太晚. 對於不需要洗學歷(清大+台灣外商實習經驗+新 加坡實習經驗)而且也具備基本知識的即戰力(金融知識+程式能力)的你而言, 我會建議, 直接丟外商在香港與新加坡的graduate pro ...


Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2017-06-26T14:23 祝各位考生,金榜題名! ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPhone - ...

火氣伯譙行員!銀行開戶被拒 老翁竟當

Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2017-06-26T10:42
【新聞】火氣伯譙行員!銀行開戶被拒 老翁竟當場怒飆「弄死你」 出處:三立新聞 記者洪淑珠/高雄報導 高雄一名老翁到銀行辦理開戶,行員一查發現老翁在其他三個銀行辦理開戶,以資金不好 控管為由希望打消開戶念頭,沒想到老翁 ...